8 July 2021 Meeting Post:
We'll begin with photos of USMC Veteran Bill Hounsom's most recent build. Academy's 1/48 CH-46D in US Marine (Surprised?!) Hawaiian rescue markings.

Bill's been working overnight shifts for a brown delivery company, so even though he continues to build models, He won't soon be seen at a club meeting.

Twelve Surgeons braved the Iowa summer elements to attend this nights gathering.
Ray & Colton Powers, Nathan and Ty Stevens, Don, Kurt Young, Jimmy & Aimee, Dave Bettis, Francisco Melendez, Teresa and myself.

Colton built a 1/35 Tamiya Sherman tank. He says it runs over trees.
Colton's Grampa Ray is working on a 1/35 Takom Panther G. He doesn't care much for the Takom kit. Lots of fiddly little bits, and too many parts in the tracks. Ray used his last set of Fruil metal tracks on his Panther. He also built and painted the 1/1 scale 88mm high-explosive shell for a King Tiger. I put Don in the picture for scale.

Don finished his 1/35 modified Panther chassis toting the Rheintochter FLaK radio-guided rocket. This is the Trumpeter kit. Discrepancies in the kit abound, but Don enjoyed the build and did a fine job on the wood grain on the rocket's fins.

Joe/Jimmy's 1/35 French LeClerc Main battle tank and his Merkava I Israeli Tank model are here on display as well. Joe's working on applying accurate, chunky non-skid texture to the Merkava.

Nathan brought 6 Trumpeter 1/72 "World of Tanks" Russian tank models and some of his plentiful 1/72 Airplane models. The 1/72 model tank's tracks and running gear are molded in one piece and are impressive! The I-16 Rata (Russian Gee Bee) and The Macchi MC 200 from Hobbyboss composed this nights display of Nathan's airplane model assembly line!
Obviously our wimmen folk were enthralled by the proceedings!

Dave Bettis claims he works on "Dogs". In truth, the 1977 MPC "Bushwacker" Jeep kit is a pretty nice kit after all.
Just because we slammed them together, gobbed paint on them and slopped on the decals in a hurry to play with these models as MUCH younger children, doesn't mean they haven't stood the test of time very well.

The ever-affable Ross brought along an L1500 he had spoken of WAY back when the ZOOM meeting was still our only venue.
I think this one is the Mercedes-built version of the command car.

My tiny dioramas and USS Carondelet made it to the meeting tonight. My efforts at making dynamic water were appreciated by my fellows.

The Dave Bettis gave me this old Testor's Aztek airbrush handle that I wished for. Being the airbrush dinosaur that I am, I've been painting with an old Aztek since the early '90's. My current model is getting a little long in the tooth. Dave fixed me up! He will accept classic "Dog" airplane models in trade. I wonder where I can find a few of those?!?
That's all for this visit! Thanks for looking in!