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2021 Plastic Surgeons Meeting posts

I will pray for them my friend. I'll also be praying for you as well. I know how it feels to lose someone like this too.
You have my sincere condolences....my AMPS group lost a member to suicide last month and that has hit me hard...you get to asking yourself if there was something you could have said or done or what signals might have been missed...but sometimes crappy things happen for no good reason and that truly sucks. To see this man leave the world so young is another example of that and I am truly sorry.
Thanks Men. I could ask for nothing more and expect nothing less. Young Gavin remains in the forefront of my thoughts. :notworthy
8 July 2021 Meeting Post:
We'll begin with photos of USMC Veteran Bill Hounsom's most recent build. Academy's 1/48 CH-46D in US Marine (Surprised?!) Hawaiian rescue markings.
Bill's been working overnight shifts for a brown delivery company, so even though he continues to build models, He won't soon be seen at a club meeting.
Twelve Surgeons braved the Iowa summer elements to attend this nights gathering.
Ray & Colton Powers, Nathan and Ty Stevens, Don, Kurt Young, Jimmy & Aimee, Dave Bettis, Francisco Melendez, Teresa and myself.
Colton built a 1/35 Tamiya Sherman tank. He says it runs over trees.
Colton's Grampa Ray is working on a 1/35 Takom Panther G. He doesn't care much for the Takom kit. Lots of fiddly little bits, and too many parts in the tracks. Ray used his last set of Fruil metal tracks on his Panther. He also built and painted the 1/1 scale 88mm high-explosive shell for a King Tiger. I put Don in the picture for scale.

Don finished his 1/35 modified Panther chassis toting the Rheintochter FLaK radio-guided rocket. This is the Trumpeter kit. Discrepancies in the kit abound, but Don enjoyed the build and did a fine job on the wood grain on the rocket's fins.
Joe/Jimmy's 1/35 French LeClerc Main battle tank and his Merkava I Israeli Tank model are here on display as well. Joe's working on applying accurate, chunky non-skid texture to the Merkava.
Nathan brought 6 Trumpeter 1/72 "World of Tanks" Russian tank models and some of his plentiful 1/72 Airplane models. The 1/72 model tank's tracks and running gear are molded in one piece and are impressive! The I-16 Rata (Russian Gee Bee) and The Macchi MC 200 from Hobbyboss composed this nights display of Nathan's airplane model assembly line!

Obviously our wimmen folk were enthralled by the proceedings!
Dave Bettis claims he works on "Dogs". In truth, the 1977 MPC "Bushwacker" Jeep kit is a pretty nice kit after all.
Just because we slammed them together, gobbed paint on them and slopped on the decals in a hurry to play with these models as MUCH younger children, doesn't mean they haven't stood the test of time very well.
The ever-affable Ross brought along an L1500 he had spoken of WAY back when the ZOOM meeting was still our only venue.
I think this one is the Mercedes-built version of the command car.
My tiny dioramas and USS Carondelet made it to the meeting tonight. My efforts at making dynamic water were appreciated by my fellows.
The Dave Bettis gave me this old Testor's Aztek airbrush handle that I wished for. Being the airbrush dinosaur that I am, I've been painting with an old Aztek since the early '90's. My current model is getting a little long in the tooth. Dave fixed me up! He will accept classic "Dog" airplane models in trade. I wonder where I can find a few of those?!?

That's all for this visit! Thanks for looking in!
Satellite Surgeon and Submarine owner Mark Karolus sends his regards from summery Wisconansin! 1/700 3D printed DUKW's where on his bench this day! Clearance sale from Freetime Hobbies!
Very nice DUKWs. Everything else is superb!

Like Paul, I also miss those awesome Zoom meetings you used to have!
4 August Plastic Surgeon meeting post!:yipee:
Teresa and I hadn't been to a club meeting in a while. Being hot and super busy at my job have motivated me to remain in the coolness of the evening of late. 11 Surgeons gathered for our usual less-than-structured meeting of good friends that do not see one another often enough.
Of note, Young Mr. (Curt) Young brought his lovely wife Tootie, and Club Treasurer George Stevens was hale and hearty enough to attend as well! Tootie's potato salad is legendary at our group's cook-outs.
Ronnie Schultz brought his buddy, whose name escapes me, to the meeting.
Jimmy Lotz is working on a Meng 1/35 Russian BMPT Terminator model. Some off-color jokes were had about the black track snapper it comes with to assemble the intricate kit tracks. The way Meng engineers their kits is impressive!
Jimmy also (almost) finished his Israeli Merkava III. The solution to applying the uneven Israeli Army non-skid covering was to sprinkle the finest sand on Future a little bit at a time. The effect is convincing, don't you agree?
Ross is building the Bronco 1/35 Panzer 35t Artillery tractor. Look closely at the 4 bogey assemblies! 60 parts each! Holly Molly!! It seems as if Bronco used the blueprints to engineer the kit and made every intricate detail a separate bit!! There is a full interior that will be mostly visible, but no engine is included. The Russian tracked 203mm howitzer will be towed behind the 35t. That should be an eye-catcher!!
Teresa brought along her wooden puzzle/models that keep her retired hands busy. The smaller of the 2 is driven by it's music box and is a very interesting project!

Aimee continues to work on her crocheting as we amuse ourselves.

Nate Stevens is converting a 1/72 Revell AG P-47D Thunderbolt to the theoretical Allison powered P-47H Bubble top Thunderbolt.
The supercharged inverted V-12 engine was the first American powerplant to use hemispherical combustion chambers. A super-jug with a Hemi!? What's not to love about that?! I did look over the little model most carefully, but I didn't take a picture. BFA!!
I brought Dad's Mustang. Just so my fellows could be sure I hadn't lost my mind, the 1/700 3D printed Martin JRM-1 Mars and Consolidated P2Y-3 Ranger came along as well. Ron Schultz was looking over the Ranger and quipped "He painted a moustache on that guy!"
This was a fine, light-hearted meeting. Much laughter was had with our group of IPMS "Children of Varying Vintages"!
Thanks for looking in!


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I missed my last local meeting as I was out with Covid. As there are several older frail members it was best staying home. (didn't know I had CCP at the time of the meeting) I always have a little envy for the groups that are a little bigger.
Indeed, Gents. The on-line meetings did wonders to bring us together
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Nate Stevens to the rescue! He sent me couple of pictures of his project to post. :yipee:
Nathan probably has more "In-Another-World" ideas than anyone else I know. The Republic P-47H Bubbletop "Kamikaze Killer". Donor nose from the crappy MPM P-47H razorback kit, with mod's to the intake scoops, screens oil cooler inlet, and turbocharger exhausts. The rest is Revell Ag. :dude:
Stay tuned as MORE plastic madness unfolds!!
I remember when Mike wanted me to sign up on M/A. I didn't feel like I had enough time and it seemed daunting to me as an I/T Caveman. I will encourage Nathan. He owns his own business and has a big family. His free time is at a premium.
Some people just can't be forced to share our fun!
News from the IPMS Plastic Surgeons!! SurgiCon is on for 2022!!
It was decided at our last Club meeting! We wasn't there. I was tired, hot and dirty.
2 April 2022 at the Hy-Vee Euclid Room on East Euclid avenue in Des Moines. :hmm:

Be there or be a Bay City Roller!!
Good to know, although I expect I'll be a Bay City Roller since that is too far for me to attend. I will be anxiously awaiting pics of the event though!
Well, if you must. :lol:
2 September 2021 Surgeons Meeting Post!
It was a fine, cool night for a Plastic Surgeons meeting. "Enterprise Weather", low clouds and intermittent sprinkles allowed us to make our 50 minute journey to Ankeny without casualty or mishap.
I was pleased to see 15 members seated at our table of hilarity and friendship this night! Here are the faces! Dave, Ross, Francisco, Nate, Kurt, Tootie, Ty, (new guy whose name I didn't get) Aimee, Joe, George, Teresa and myself. Treasurer George arrived looking as hale and hearty as I have seen him look in some time. My "Dad" continues to joke with me about interesting model ship kits he has bought for me to "inherit". I pray it isn't so!
Carl Burger survived his first meeting 2 weeks ago and put himself at risk by attending a second Surgeon Meeting. Then he even brought a MODEL to share as well! Bold!
Carl is a devoted airplane modeler. His current project is one of my old favorites, the Monogram 1/48 B-17G Flying Fortress. Kits World decals provide the 91st Bomb Group markings and nose art for Carl's 'Fort.
Yes my friends, Carl was subjected to our traditional discussion about the authenticity of his OD Green. Ross and I suspect it may be correct. Or it isn't. :rimshot:lol::lol::Drinks:


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How about some more models?
Ty found some Mandalorian figures at a local game shop and was diligently assembling them during the meeting. The detail on these are quite amazing. They look to be almost 1/35 scale. I noticed the guy with his hand to his helmet could be easily modified to salute Hunter's Dad, by rotating the left hand 90 degrees and folding his pointer finger back. Ty seemed less than pleased with my advice. I truly meant no offense. The Mandalorians are really cool!
Teresa brought her newest wooden puzzle/model. It's called a Marble Run. The gears and wheels rotate by battery power OR solar power. The ball bearings ride up the wheels and cheerfully clatter down the wooden chute. Great fun!
Aimee built the wooden rubberband pistol, but didn't bring it to help keep the peace of our less than structured gathering.
Dave Bettis is making headway on the Monogram 1/48 F-16 Fighting Falcon. The 1979 Vintage airplane model fits nicely into Dave's favorite kind of model to make. He modified the cockpit panels and pilot so he would fit in the seat. (He cut the poor bastiges legs off!!) He did glue them back on. See?!
Ross' Bronco 1/35 Panzer 35T Kanonenslepper (?!) is nearing completion. Ross puts all the stuff inside his armor models. This is one of the few times quite alot of his extra attention to detail and model expertise will actually be visible! The is a bright rumor the cute lil' 35T will be attached to a giant 205mm howitzer.
I displayed some of my more recent castings and passed them around for comment. My joke tonight was "Don't drop those! They're delicate!" They aren't. The Pigeon decoy drone Bomb-a-Kaze was met with the proper amount of jocularity!
Why does an imaginary 1/32 scale flying explosive drone need to smoke a big, fat, cigar? He just does!

Thanks for looking in!
Have Fun!
Don't hurt yourselves!
Don't do stupid stuff!
What fun! Man, I love checking in and seeing all the great times you guys have at these meetings. Not to mention the outstanding work everyone does.