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Mate, I would if I could just started a new job so time is lacking at the momentYou might be wondering where's Bob been and why no updates.
Well all hell broke loose at work. I worked everyday since Jan 6, in that was a trip to Texas and one to Norcross GA, that was just a day trip. Most of the days working were clocking in 14-16 hour days. Why would I do that? Because some "user" can't be bothered with following basic internet security and they let a "threat actor" into our network and they wrecked us. We've been cleaning up the mess and got it contained but it's been painful. In the process I was granted more and more rights and roles to do more work in our environment, I kinda fear now that genie is out of the bottle I'll have more work daily to do.
We have the threat cleaned up for the most part, restoring servers or building new from backups. We did have a sound disaster recovery plan in place but still find WTF cases we just work though.
The big bosses, to their credit, mandated all teams take the weekend off since we have stability and things "look" normal now. So I'm going to get out and get some sunshine, fresh air and probably find some yard work to do.
Also during this time, I got hearing aids! Some of y'all know the struggle I've had for years not being able to hear, well frankly much of anything. It was kinda of a running joke but now I have aids that show me what I"ve been missing, it's really no joke.
So here's where I left off. I did get a black base on my dudes and trying a couple of techniques to get started.
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Mission models OD and tamiya khaki for the jackets. I'm not sure about the colors, didn't have time to do any research. just needed a little break a couple of days but those breaks didn't last long.
@AndyFettes you want to paint some figures with me?
When we last left our hero tank it was about to fall off the base. After a month of combating a cyber attack at work our bosses, to their credit, are telling us it's time to reclaim our time. Our recovery has been amazing and that was from the security group who helped us clean up this crap.Ended up with the tank pushed forward more than I really wanted but, it gives me room in the rear for dudes standing around gawking.
Colors are much better now they are dried, I need to work on the ground to make it look alive. Iron work I think is up next.
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