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hawkenstein 2 finished

Re: hawkenstein 2 12/12 update

"Vee haff vays to make zeese old kit look beautiffull yah?"
Paraphrase from th old Yee HAW! television show.

This is a wonderful looking build of such a basic kit. Very well done. The most important thing is did you enjoy building it and it seems that you did. Very well done.

Re: hawkenstein 2 12/7 update

ok as i wrap up the interior forward and midsections i wanted to really show what has been done. there is still just a couple of clean up things, touch up on the oil reserve tank and belts for the seat. i also wanted to give a bit of perspective on what i have done.

first up let me show you somewhat how this kit would build up out of box. this is done with school/white glue.






and then the pit out of box.



as you can see there was not much too it. very bare bones.

now with what i have done.






and the pit.



again some minor clean up and the belts. not happy with the seat but after four attempts this is the best i have done with it. i just cannot get it the way i want. i think i am trying too hard to get it like the picture.

last is a side by side exterior fuse set of pics.



well there you have it. like i said it is not the best but it is the best i have done to this point. you will notice that there are now gun mounts as well. they wont pass an up close inspection but they do look passable. will be doing the minor clean up and belts and then it is on to the tail wheel assembly.

comments, criticism, critiques encouraged.


All I can do is try and encourage. Go man go! :drinks
Re: hawkenstein 2 12/12 update

thank you sir.

the respect for the work all of you show makes your comments mean so much more.

Re: hawkenstein 2 12/12 update

Joe, those improvements you made look great! They'll really add to the finished plane!

Nice job!
Re: hawkenstein 2 12/21 update

well here i am again.

just playing with my bits and pieces.

trying to make this look somewhat decent.

definitely having some fun with this.

and an update on some fiddly little bits i have spent a couple of weeks working on.

first how about wheel wells seeing the kit has absolutely none. so i framed some out and then gave them ribs.


havent detailed them yet. hopefully tomorow.

then how about some landing gear. been working on them for a few days now. not done but getting closer.


have to trim the lower portion and then do some details for the sissor parts. just some minor finish work. then lines.

i added a couple of bits to give the impression of gears as well.



not the best but they do the job.

then how about a tail wheel assembly. this was a bit more difficult. had some real trouble finding a good pic of a tail wheel assembly. lots of rc versions but nothing popped out for the real thing. then i found one for a p-40b restoration. i had to add some bracing for the thing to sit right in the fuse but then again most of it wont be seen.


not a good pic. need to take a better one installed in the fuse.

and finally how about a few doors. access and tail wheel. i kind of like how these came out.


this is going to be a good few days for me. i have three of four off from the store and only a partial day in the office for one of them. it is time to study this build to see if i am missing anything.

oh and btw the oil coolers for the engine have been updated. found a good pic showing proper placement.

comments, criticisms, and critiques are encouraged.

Re: hawkenstein 2 12/21 update

There's some great detailing going on here Joe...and from the sound of it, a good deal of having fun too!
Re: hawkenstein 2 12/21 update

A full rebuild is awesome! I have plenty of respect for that as many would simply take the easy way out.

Re: hawkenstein 2 12/21 update

A full rebuild is awesome! I have plenty of respect for that as many would simply take the easy way out.


believe me i thought about that. then i look at it and wonder what if......

thanks saul. spent a while this morning looking at it to see if i have missed anything so far.

Re: hawkenstein 2 12/21 update

merry christmas all.

just a brief update. looking to tidy up some things then i am thinking i am going to close up the fuse.

first things first. much progress on small items was done yesterday. but as it is repetitive i took no pics. i have gotten the two sets of gear doors done (i think) and i worked some on the flying surfaces to get them ready to mate up to the wings.

now for the documented progress.

yesterday i worked on the cowl flaps. working from the ss detail in scale i wanted to make sure they were represented decent. aluminum can and tinfoil to the rescue.


that took up most of yesterday. today was the day to work some with putty.

first i wanted to do up seat belts. i wanted them to be the proper thickness this time. so off i went and using milliputt and a rolling pin (knife handle) i rolled it out and then cut them out. now i still stink at making buckles so i cheated a bit.


then i set about to do some of the lines to detail the wheel wells and landing gear. once i had it to a size i though resonable i cut off sections and then went to work. i also added a small square bit for the cut off box.


and then the landing gear.



only showing one as the other is the same. all that is left is for a little paint and then i can close the fuse.

comments, critiques, and criticisms welcome.
