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hawkenstein 2 finished

Re: hawkenstein 2 12/21 update


You must have some excellent dtailed references besides having a sharp and discerning eye. This is looking super.

Re: hawkenstein 2 12/21 update

True modeling! I like what you've have done on your own.

Re: hawkenstein 2 12/21 update

well here i am.

getting some progress done, hawkenstein is looking like a p-40 now. well on the outside.

been working quite a bit on the assorted flaps. lots of cutting, fitting, recut, refit, throw away start again, repeat......

here is where i am at with her.



wing flaps


and some inner detail





and the overall


sorry about all the tape and putty. this is really turning into a putty queen. of the times i have built this kit i can say the fit this time around has been horrid. dry fitting went well through the construction stages but the final construction of the fuse has been a nightmere.

comments, critiques, criticism are encouraged.

Re: hawkenstein 2 12/21 update

Joe it looks like the rudder sticks out just a bit far, think if you sand down those spots where you're making contact with the stabilizer and make sure the leading edge of the rudder is flush up and down the stab, it'll be spot on.

Diggin' the ribs and stuff on the flaps. (y)
Re: hawkenstein 2 12/21 update

mp thanks. did attack the rudder but i think the gap was a result of the cutting and sanding i did. i added a bit to the top and i think i got it fixed. although when i look at it i see white and think i got a large gap still.

Re: hawkenstein 2 12/21 update

actually glad i had to put some putty on it. made it so much easier to see it.

Re: hawkenstein 2 12/21 update

Joe, you still have some (easy) work to do on the vertical and horizontal control surfaces. The elevators are connected by a tube which passes through a slot in the rudder.


Re: hawkenstein 2 12/31 update

I don't know if it's too late but what I did with my old Monogram Mosquito when I repositioned the flaps was create a rounded V on the forward edge of the flap and a matching rounded concave V on the wing. it was then very easy to position the flaps at the angle I wanted them. I used cyanoacrylic glue because it's an instant bond.

Your model looks great and is an inspiration.

Cheers and good luck.
Re: hawkenstein 2 12/31 update

many thanks for checking in and the kind words.

tank what i did was fasten some sheet plastic on the edge of the flap and the edge of the wing. i sanded both to get a reasonable fit. this time i actually dry fit it quite a bit, out of the norm for me. then i added just a couple of pieces of "what looked good" rod and such. end result is it really dont look too bad unless you take a pair of optivisors to look at it.

again many thanks.

Re: hawkenstein 2 1/05 update ooopppps...........

well folks i had planned to do a step by step to show you my progression in the painting area. that blew up in my face.

shot flat black on the hawk and let that dry. moved to the gray undersides. still no real issue. then on to the od. good god i dont know what happened. planned to give it a well worn look but it went sideways in a hurry. the ab started off by spitting and splattering the paint. got that somewhat undercontrol and screwed up on the mixture, made it much much too light. used strait od on the panel lines to try to salvage what i had done. no go back to the splattering and spiting. i went to do a bit of a post shading to try to tone down the paint a bit and wow what a mess. in the end the paint job is done with a mediocre at best finish. you cant see it but the panels are highlighted and in person it does look a little better than the pics.




this pic was intended to show the fading of the panels but not sure it showed up.


just to show you these pics are from after the initial od layer.




and the same wing.


comments, criticisms, and critiques are encouraged.

Re: hawkenstein 2 1/05 update ooopppps...........

I can see the fading of the panels and I don't see the issues you've had.

Re: hawkenstein 2 1/05 update oooopppps.......

Not sure I see much of a proplem on your model.
If your airbrush was starting spatter paint its quite likely your paint was simply too thick or perhaps you were using an older bottle of paint. I noticed the bottles of Model Master paints in your pictures and thats what I use too, the past few years Model Master paints have a lot of variations in how thick the paint is in the bottles, some are very thin and others thick. The bottles of paint that have the thicker paint in them still work fine but they do need a little more attention in thinning them correctly for airbrush use. On ALL my paints I first open them up and stir them before use even the bottles of paint with the thin looking paint in them.
If you go with a 50/50 paint/thinner ratio you should not have any paint spattering problems, for adding weathering effects with the airbrush I thin my paints quite a bit more than that.

Re: hawkenstein 2 1/05 update oooopppps.......

Joe I'm with they guys so far, I don't see the problem, you've recovered well. If you wanted to do some post shading lighten up the OD or thin out some buff and build up slowly.

Press on buddy, doing fine! :popcorn