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hawkenstein 2 finished

Re: hawkenstein 2 11/29/2012

i am glad to be of help tank. honestly it is the reason i like the r/m kits. you can really add a ton. i just wish i was better with scratching parts. mine look pretty sloppy. although this attempt is better than previous attempts. would you believe i was in a pretty long slump prior to the first hawkenstein? just the excitement of tearing something apart and rebuilding it caused a large amount of motivation in me. it is a wave that i am really enjoying.

besides not many do this in 1/48.


I know what you mean about getting out of a slump. I like 1/48 because the parts are big enough to see easily and the model doesn't need a full size hangar to store it in when it's built.

The problem some of us have when trying to scratch build something is that the results often don't match up to the image we have in our mind. When that happens we need to remember that often something beats nothing.

Keep up the great work and enjoy your build. It really is looking good thus far.

Re: hawkenstein 2 11/29/2012

i am still working my way up to a project. i have a revell b-17g clear on the shelf that i want to go all out on. i am trying to work my way up to that with the little i have been doing on my last few builds.

i definitely hear what you say about not having my results matching up to what i have in my mind. the little silver part, some kind of hydrolic pump or switch, it really looks like a blob of something but for what will be seen it will definitely do the job. it gives the impression. when i get to the engine i should have my hands full. much to add to make it look right.

Re: hawkenstein 2 11/29/2012

well now an update.

over the last week or so i have played a bit with the pit and the engine compartment.




and with some paint.



now with this i also wanted to play a bit with the firewall and the engine mounts. i have found several dozen versions of the engine mounts and went with something similar to what is on one of the better p-40 sites.




you will notice i also redid the firewall. this is definitely a better version and allows a bit more detail without looking overboard. now for some help. what do you think of the engine mounts? they are but a mock up. they are not set in stone yet. i also have looked this seat and frame over and i am not happy with it. i plan to redo the seat and frame. all of this that you see in this update is prior to any plumbing. i plan to add just a bit to give the impression of what is there but not going overboard. i have to also add some detail to the engine mounts when i get comfortable with them. i want to mock up the mounts and the engine and get that squared away as well.

comments, critiques, criticism encouraged.


I really like it Joe, looks like the engine mounts are a bit out of symmetry but it looks like you only have one side open so it probably don't matter. Could be the distortion of the camera lens.

I really do like this (y) (y)

You're going to inspire me to pick up my Wildcat of ol' (Don't say it Paul!!! :pilot )
Re: hawkenstein 2 update 11/29/2012

mp it may be. i am looking at them now and thinking i need to redo them.

Re: hawkenstein 2 update 11/29/2012

Oh man how did I miss this one. That old P-40 sure brings back some memories for me. I must have built that thing about 5 times as a kid. I really like what you are doing with it. Scratchbuilding always seems daunting at first. But once you get going it really isn't bad at all.
Re: hawkenstein 2 update 11/29/2012

many thanks for the kind words.

Oh man how did I miss this one. That old P-40 sure brings back some memories for me. I must have built that thing about 5 times as a kid. I really like what you are doing with it. Scratchbuilding always seems daunting at first. But once you get going it really isn't bad at all.

my favorite two a/c are the hawk and the fort. to say scratchbuilding is daunting is a bit of an understatement for me. however i have never shied away from it.

Re: hawkenstein 2 update 11/29/2012

many thanks for the kind words.

Oh man how did I miss this one. That old P-40 sure brings back some memories for me. I must have built that thing about 5 times as a kid. I really like what you are doing with it. Scratchbuilding always seems daunting at first. But once you get going it really isn't bad at all.

my favorite two a/c are the hawk and the fort. to say scratchbuilding is daunting is a bit of an understatement for me. however i have never shied away from it.


You certainly do have an inspiring build going on here. I've dug out my old Hobbycraft 1/48 CF-100 Mk IV kit and have started on it once again. Thanks for that. I like these old Monogram/Revell 1/48 warbird kits because they are inexpensive enough andsimple enough for beginners to build and are ideal for practising advanced modelling skills on at a reasonable price.

Looking forward to seeing further progress on it.

Re: hawkenstein 2 update 11/29/2012

glad i could help.

ok just a quick update.

redone engine mounts. what do you think?



and just what is a guy to do. i had to. it was required.


comments, critiques, criticisms encouraged.

Re: hawkenstein 2 update 11/29/2012

I really like and respect old fashioned modeling. It looks good and you seem to be enjoying yourself which is more than can be said of many with their bought and boxed detailing efforts.

Re: hawkenstein 2 update 11/29/2012

I really like and respect old fashioned modeling. It looks good and you seem to be enjoying yourself which is more than can be said of many with their bought and boxed detailing efforts.


OOH I like that. I had a friend who used to come over and work on models. He really cussed up a blue storm and things got really tense whenever he was working with after market PE parts. He didn't enjoy those one little bit. He'd get a few parts on but then knock some teeny tiny part off whilst trying to get something else on. I like to build for fun and relaxation so I try to avoid PE and resin stuff.

I love this lates engine mount. It looks like the pieces were a perfect fit to each other.

Re: hawkenstein 2 update 12/1

many thanks for the kind words.

saul there is a strong similarity between old fashoned and being really really cheap. personally i would love to be able to do these engine mounts in metal. i just dont have the money so we do what we must.

i do have to say though it actually brings me back to when i first started building. reading the kind and encouraging words shows, i think, that i may just be learning how to really build models.

Re: hawkenstein 2 update 12/2

ok folks just a quick look at where we are with this.

i wanted to mock up the engine/firewall and the fuse just to see what it looked like and if i needed modifications to make it right.


i also wanted to mock up the oil tank as it will be seen thanks to my cuts.


havent a clue if that is anywhere near accurate.

and to show it all fits.


well there you have it.

comments, critiques, criticism encouraged.

Re: hawkenstein 2 update 12/2

It's looking good, I like what you have going on. Did this engine have some sort of gearing that brought the prop center up, looks like the drive shaft is going to be way low.
Re: hawkenstein 2 update 12/2

It's looking good, I like what you have going on. Did this engine have some sort of gearing that brought the prop center up, looks like the drive shaft is going to be way low.

I don't think the engine is glued to the mounts yet. He probably wants to paint the mounts first.

Re: hawkenstein 2 update 12/2

havent a clue if that is anywhere near accurate.

I know if it is but won't tell as it'll only slow you down if you must replicate it. Enjoy the build.

By the way, I didn't see you as being frugal. Simply, that there is very little in the way of aftermarket for this kit. Her's a hint, the Hobbycraft early Warhawks are based on this kit.

Re: hawkenstein 2 update 12/2

I love the work you are doing. Keep at it, this is a spectacular build.
