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frankenfort ........finished

frankenfort ........all marked up

well folks after quite a bit of time she is progressing a bit.

forgive the flowered table cloth.

the decals are on. notice no blue stripe on the tail. for a while this bird went without it. notice also just a touch of weathering on the wings.




thinking the next update may be the final update. just got to attach the stuff that is already done. need to paint the prop tips. all in all not much left.

comments, critiques, and criticism are encouraged.

well folks it has been a long ride. started in march i can call her finished.

there are a multitude of things wrong with her. but she fit the bill for what she was intended. a test bed for different construction techniques. a test bed for what i could actually do.

so without further discussion,

FRANKENFORT in the markings of El Lobo 2 prior to the blue stripe on the tail.








the pictures are blurry as i am dealing with a different camera and although it is a good one it would not focus properly for this model. thank you all for following along. thank you for the wonderful comments and suggestions.


Excellent results on the aircraft.

Question.Did this aircraft have the windows in place in the waist gunners' positions? I've read that they were usually removed for beeter visibility and flexibility when manning the guns. Just curious if this particular aircraft kept the windows.

There was only one image in the last set you posted theat was blurry. The other images are quite nice too.

You have a model there that ayone even a museum should be delighted to have on display.

Cheers from Peter
Looks good Joe. You really did her up. (y) Please get some better pics of the finished thing though. You're not doing her justice!
I like her Joe. Now you just have to find a place to display the beast. One thing I would do is put together a cheap backdrop made out of posterboards. It only costs a few bucks and does wonders for photography.