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FAA Corsair

Very interesting to watch this beautiful kit unfold James. :D

Good seeing you enjoying it to the fullest (y) (y) (y)

Cheers, Christian B)
Well disaster has struck. Not paying attention to what I am doing and I made the inner left flaps using the up position. It would not fit well at all so I looked again and puzzled it out. I managed to get the flaps apart, but they look crappy. Am putting a request in to Tamiya and hope I can get new ones reasonably inexpensively. I guess I can do the right inner flaps, landing gear, and the vertical stab while I wait. Very disappointed with myself. :bang head
Don't let that stop you James. See if you can clean up that flap with some putty and sanding. :zen
Show it who's the boss, no more Mr Nice Guy (an obvious Alice Cooper reference :D )

(y) :soldier
Okay I have buffed it out all I can and hope after some paint no one will know about the flap. Getting closer to the paint stage btw. Maybe be able to do it this weekend I hope.




Bottom pic you can just make out the damage. Left inboard as you look at it.

Damage?? I don't see no damage hoss...Get some GOOD primer on that bad boy and let's get jiggy wit it! :popcorn
Thanks guys, appreciate the boost. I think the only thing left is stress marks on the plastic and I hope they disapear under a coat of paint. Will know better then if there are any imperfections. Thinking I should get another as punishment and do it in USN livery with flaps up and wings folded. :hmmm :evil: :D
Well, I do see a line :S but I don't know that it will show after the primer . It it does, just buff a little more (y)

Cheers, Christian B)