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FAA Corsair

Well it figures. Barracuda Studios has some new parts coming out for the Corsair. They look awesome as usual. You can see them here http://www.hyperscale.com/2013/reviews/accessories/barracudacastb32126previewbg_1.htm
I really want to get the new parts and the decals. Sigh.
Well 3 days and no response to my email and I really want to build, sooooo carrying on as originally planned. Finished the ignition leads. Left them natural colour as I have seen silver braided harnesses as well as the coated ones. Probably wrong for this bird, but I am progressing along. Painted the oil tank chromate yellow and the oil line a copper colour. Painted the ferules on the push rods titanium gold as it looks close to what I have seen. Added a generic data plate from Archer for the data plate. Will do some more cockpit stuff while I wait for placards and seat belts to arrive.





I like it James, like you, I've seen that harness silver, chrome, grey, all sorts of colors. Maybe it boils down to who made the harness?
Thanks guys.
Did some more today. Working on the center section and cockpit. I got the RB seat belts and they are awesome. But the darned things are too fiddly for me. I got one together and then the friction bar fell out and the belt came apart. Got it back together 3 times and finally the bar disappeared. So I'm using the PE belts. They are okay, but not my favorite.
Baindamage sent me some Fundekals Pratt and Whitney decals for my engine. They look awesome. He reviewed them here https://www.modelersalliance.com/reviews-and-news/218-aftermarket/846-fuenkdekals-pratt-and-whitney-logo-badge-decal-set
I took some shots of the Tamiya decal and the Fundecal, but its hard to see. Tamiya first.


It is pixelated, but okay. The Fundekal version though is very crisp and looks way better. Wish my photo skills were up to it.


The center wing and my messy bench. What a treat this thing is.


The filters are little jems and I'm sure will look even better once I weather them.


Need to do some more work on the seat and belts and weather some. The cockpit is very close to done and I am almost ready to button the fuse up. Have I mentioned how nice this kit is??


Thanks to Baindamage for the decals. Much appreciated (y) (y) (y)
Thanks guys. Have I mentioned how nice this kit is??

Once or twice, friend... and we believe you !! :good: - It seems apparent from the reviews I've read and what we've seen of your project that more variants are in the pipeline. Personally I'd love to see a late war version with the stub launchers for the HVARS etc, etc.

Great work, James.

Really looking great James. I know that one little bar you're talking about on the seat belts. I did some cusin' over it also. It's a bugger to work with.

Can't wait to see some more Bud! :popcorn
A clean bench is a sign of no work going on, yours looks like you're having a ball! (y) :drinks
Danebrammage aka. John. Is a real good sort. I love this guy because he is all heart felt and easy to like. He is supposed to have sent mine earlier this week and I can wait to paste them all over the place. :D

That kit looks sweet James, Do you like it? :rotf
I agree, very nice looking kit and good job on it so far :D (y) (y)

Are work benches supposed to look different than that ? :idonno

Cheers, Christian B)
Again thanks all. Did some work today and have got the fuse buttoned up. Really enjoying this. Put a few placards in the cockpit even though they arent what I would like to use. They do add something though. Refined my Salmon pink and resprayed the aft fuse and the wing center section. Used a dilute Valejo Tank Track to make the exhausts look proper. Not bad I think. Will add a touch of heat distress and soot next. Comments and critiques welcome.












Very nice, James! I think those placards look just fine. The new salmon is definitely an improvement!