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32 scale wildcat....calling it done


Active member
idle hands they say......

me, not wanting to lose what i have going, have decided. my next project will be..........


trump 1/32 f4f-4. this one makes me nervous. i have read some pretty nasty things but then again i have read some really good things. opinions range from oob to scratching (or buying am) a whole new pit. me i am leaning towards as close to oob as i can. i know very little of the subject but i love the landing gear on these a/c. so we go step by step and see how long before i break.

first up, step 1. the cockpit.

i cliped the parts off the tree and have them dryfit so i can see what i am working with. some decent detail. missing some things from the few ref pics i have. might have to see if i can do something about that.





next up will be to see what i can do about some of the obvious missing items. really do not want to go overboard after the last two builds.

comments, critiques, and criticism are encouraged.

32 scale wildcat

Looks like you are off to a good start. Will you be doing the wings folded or extended? If I remember most of the complaints about this kit were in relation to some "fatal" shape flaws it had. But Trumpeter fixed all of those before it was released if I remember correctly.
32 scale wildcat

Know the kit well. all to well.

IMHO there's too much missing no to do it OOB. Build it, enjoy it and use it to test new painting techniques or hone in what you like.
32 scale wildcat

Oh the Cockpit is fine, nothing really wrong with it, actually one of the better IMHO. Some minor details could be added but what cockpit wouldn't benefit.

What I'm talking about is up front in the engine and the accessory bay. This kit (the -3 does) doesn't even have the intercoolers or their duct work, ducting for the carbs nor the rear section of the engine which is very visible when lookihg up the gear bay. Nor does it have intake manifolds, has exhaust but no intakes. Seeing how they give you a clear cowl you'd think they would include that little detail! :smack
32 scale wildcat....its the pits

mp thanks for the heads up. thank you all for stopping by. hope you enjoy.

worked a bit on the pit. first i hit it with my normal of flat black and then vallejo bronze green. i dislike vallejo paints greatly. i have never had any kind of luck with them. i dont know if i thin them too little or too much or just inept when it comes to them but i dislike them. however there are only two companies that produce a bronze green. vallejo and humbol. humbol is unavailable in the area and i am not in a position to make another paint order at this time so vallejo it is. i didnt add much, yet. just got the pieces dryfit for the time being.

after the bronze green i picked out a few highlights with some odd colors. (turquoise, interior green, red, and gray) i then used silver and gave it a drybrush to show some wear and abuse.








i also changed the bulbs in my two overhead lamps, using a day bulb and boy are they bright. may have to switch back to the softer bulb. the light washed out the colors a bit. still need to figure out how to make decent seatbelts and possibly some of the smaller tubing along both sides.


on to the next.

comments, critiques, and criticisms are encouraged.

32 scale wildcat....its the pits

Looks pretty good Joe. What is the cylinder behind the seat ?

Cheers, Christian B)
32 scale wildcat....its the pits

Looks great so far. Is that Vallejo bronze green part of their model air line? Or is it part of the model color line? The model air stuff should be airbrush ready. But the model color stuff is more for brush painting I think. Not tried to thin that stuff yet.
32 scale wildcat....its the pits

Ian, pass the :popcorn

Chris I think that was an O2 bottle. Once the pit is installed you can barely see it, if at all.
32 scale wildcat....its the pits

That's what I was thinking. Should be Zinc chromate but if you can't see it ....... :drinks

Cheers, Christian B)
32 scale wildcat....its the pits

many thanks for the kind words.

thanks for the info on the cylinder, got some reworking to do so i will repaint that.

as for the reworking, i just couldnt help myself. i looked at the kit pit and the ref pics and studied them for a day or so and then .................well...................i started to scratchbuild stuff for the pit. got a good start on the starboard side of the pit.

32 scale wildcat....help needed

ok i need help. spent a good amount of time on redoing the side panels for the pit. now they are not done by a long shot but i am going nuts. cant make up my mind if they look ok or not.






and then the seat.



so please, could you help me out and let me know what you think?

32 scale wildcat....help needed

I don't know much about the details of the seat but the work you did in the pit looks great!
32 scale wildcat....help needed

I just got a woody...did a search for F4F wildcat seat and Modelers Alliance link was second on the list. :coolio

that's one of 4 seats that I was playing around with. Google search can show more detail of what the seat looked like.
32 scale wildcat....help needed

TMI!!!!!! :blink

That pit is looking great though!

Terry B)
32 scale wildcat....help needed

thanks for looking in and the kind words.

yes the seat has to be modified. not happy with it.

32 scale wildcat....help needed

Looks pretty close. Nice scratching (y) (y) (y)

For discussion purposes only.


