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Bf 109 G-14/U4

Don't know where you got that image from, I found it in that book and there it written "White 5"

Screenshot 2024-08-08 211128.jpg
Screenshot 2024-08-08 211151.jpg
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I searched my books and offer this

the first Image could be the right one, but I'm not sure and the second does not look correct - well judge yourself - the last two images are from some german web sides

book/magazine title always first

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Me109G14-I.1.JG53-White5-WrkN782192-Modified-From-G6-(White5 Overpainted a 7)-with-Other-Surre...jpg
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Very cool, thank you. The first one beside the 109 with red landing gear isnt the same aircraft, but I do like the blue defence of the Reich bands on the tail. For anyone who doesnt know, the red landing gear showed that aircraft took higher octane C4 fuel instead of the normal B4 fuel. The ground crew could tell from a distance which aircraft required the higher octane. I didnt notice that profile in the mushroom book, will have to look again. Unfortunately they are using the wrong colours as everywhere else shows the bird with RLM 74, 75, 76 scheme and not the RLM 76, 80, 82 scheme. Still it does reinforce the impression that there was no tail band so very helpful. I got all of my pictures so far from the German site but not had much luck other places. I like the white 5 thats laying on its side because of the open panels. Unfortunately its not my bird as it has a black tail band. I am very convinced though from the various pictures of my bird and others that it isnt a dark paint beneath the cockpit, but rather exhaust from bad fuel fouling the sides I really appreciate the extra info Martin, thank you. Some good info and also more places to check details. Great stuff. Actually this is really pushing me to keep going. Thanks everyone.
Okay a bit of work done. Pictures later today. I am waffeling now so will accept some help. I didnt realize I ordered another set of decals, but I did. This means I might need to get another kit as there is a scheme I really like. So flip flopping between which bird to do. You've all seen the scheme I picked and a lot of ref pics and advice were given which is awesome. But I also like this scheme from 4 JG 77.
4.JG-77.HORST SCHLICK.BF-109G-14.BLAU-3.jpg

The decals come with blue and red shield markings. From looking at the first photo I would say red is probably correct as it does not match the blue 3. The Eduard markings are too light blue by the way.
So what do you guys think? Stay with White 5 or do Blue 3?
Blue & red. I'm surprised the serpent badge isn't handed to face forward on both sides.
Thanks Bob. Unfortunately I wont be back to it for a bit. Had to order some Micro Metal Foil Adhesive for the decals and Saturday will be down to Edmonton for the AMPS contest and to visit with the Grand Kids and family. Maybe Sunday can get back into it if I'm lucky. Still feeling pumped to build this so maybe the mojo is finally back.
A little bit of work this morning. Frames in and working on the cockpit. Man those Quinta decals are amazing. Filled in a panel and hole that are not on this build as well as removing the umbrella supports on the left side of the cockpit.
Pics not great, still trying to figure out my phone.