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32 scale wildcat....calling it done

32 scale wildcat....help needed

james those are two of the pictures i am using. still have to work on the plumbing for the second picture.

many many thanks.

32 scale wildcat....help needed

now just a brief update.

been playing with the seat. you see the three tell me your thoughts.




comments, critiques, and criticism are encouraged.

32 scale wildcat....help needed

Far right Joe, It looks more accurate to me but I don't have the faintest idea. Do you have a drawing for that?
I would like to copy it if I could.
32 scale wildcat....bare, naked pit

paul there are a bunch of folks who have done this kit up. one had an online how to do it article.


hopefully that will help.

now down to business.

this post is dedicated to a bare naked pit.... cockpit that is.

this is what i am going with. i wanted to get some pics prior to starting the painting. if you wish you can check earlier in the thread to see what the kit parts looked like.

just to rehash. using a for sale sign, .010 styrene sheet, rod, tube, square, and stretched sprue i have fumbled this together.








there she is. the work is layed bare.

be blunt folks. let me know.

comments, critiques, and criticisms are encouraged.

32 scale wildcat....finished pit

ok i am ready to move on.

the first two steps in the instructions were focused on the pit. after the initial construction with the kit parts i went off track a little and scratched much of it.

finished that up today. so here she is.






things of note.

the colors are bronz green (vallejo), interior green (model master), flat red and black (testors). i punched out a disk from thicker clear plastic from a tool set case. although you cant see it i painted white behind the film of the instrument panel and it actually looks decent.

comments, critiques, and criticism are encouraged.

32 scale wildcat....finished pit

Looking good Joe. If I had one critique it would be the shoulder belts. I think they would look better hanging down. Unless they could be lengthened. Right now there is nothing really to hold them in that position.I must say this is quite a challenge adding all the extra detail. Really enjoying it come together.
32 scale wildcat....finished pit

many thanks for the kind words.

james the belts are horrible. they just dont look right to me.

32 scale wildcat....finished pit

many thanks for the kind words.

james the belts are horrible. they just dont look right to me.


Well they should not be strung through those slots, they draped over the back of the seat over that bar just behind the seat.

Can't find ref picture but here's the one i did.

Sending :zen
32 scale wildcat....finished pit

randy many thanks.

mp in my search i never did find any pics of the seat with the shoulder straps. now it would be difficult to remove. filed away for the next one.

32 scale wildcat....the engine

steps 3-5 have the builder working with the engine. for those with this kit you may wish to really take a hard look at images online. for those with the inclination you may want to cut the "rods" off of parts e-19 and e-28 and do your own. the engine cylinders come in four pieces. you mate them for two sets of cylinders. i found this to be interesting to say the least. one set mated up decent. the other looked like they were from different engines. after struggling through with that i followed the instructions as to how to fit the pieces. in short a struggle is putting it nicely. i had to work all the pieces to get them to even come close to fitting together. when i put the caps on the rods well they look hideous. as most will be hidden i am going to go forward but i have the -3 in my stash and will be doing some scratch work on the engine. i noticed that the kit instructions have the caps (two pieces, one with a "spacer" on it) with the spacer crossing from cylinder to cylinder. when i looked at the engines online it appeared the bracket the spacer is replicating was over the cylinder not between them. that is the way i went. i am most likely wrong in this but there it is. i fought with the pieces for the engine for three days. this is the best it is going to get.




i am on to the next.

comments, critiques, and criticisms are encouraged.

32 scale wildcat....the engine

Joe, you have the valve covers on opposite side of the heads that what they should be. those parts coming off at an angle are supose to represent tubing between those heads.

The bell housing and magnetos should be a light grey. What you got would be a good base to do some chipping.

From Cybermodeler walk around. http://www.cybermodeler.com/aircraft/f4f/f4f-3_walk1.shtml
32 scale wildcat....the engine

First off the engine is outstanding (y)
I've been in three areas of operation where we might have to get the pilot loaded up in a hurry.
The shoulder straps would be draped over the back of the seat ready to lay over the pilots shoulders and
the lap belts were laid out on the consoles each side of the seat.
While he was getting the lap belt in position we would lay the shoulder belts over his shoulders so he wouldn't have to hunt for them.

Tony lee
32 scale wildcat....the engine

mp thanks for the ref pic and link. filed away for future reference. for this build i am moving forward.

tony many thanks. when building i didnt find anything that showed how the belts went. i went with logic, wrong. i will file this away and use for the next build.

32 scale wildcat....the engine

First off the engine is outstanding (y)
I've been in three areas of operation where we might have to get the pilot loaded up in a hurry.
The shoulder straps would be draped over the back of the seat ready to lay over the pilots shoulders and
the lap belts were laid out on the consoles each side of the seat.
While he was getting the lap belt in position we would lay the shoulder belts over his shoulders so he wouldn't have to hunt for them.

Tony lee

That's absolutely correct Tony . I have mentioned this at another time but builders want to make it look nice and neat ( :idonno ) .

Not what I was use to with veteran pilots . Not even pleasant for crew chiefs when they need to get in. Those QD's are rough on the back and rump.

Cheers, Christian B)
32 scale wildcat....the engine

it is funny, i do alot of research online for most of my builds. for most i find decent pics, this one there was very little and i found nothing for the belts.

the detail n scale only had a couple of pics that even show part of the seat.

this is what i get for wanting to do a subject i know nothing about. then i had to go and go off track.

32 scale wildcat....the engine

it is funny, i do alot of research online for most of my builds. for most i find decent pics, this one there was very little and i found nothing for the belts.

the detail n scale only had a couple of pics that even show part of the seat.

this is what i get for wanting to do a subject i know nothing about. then i had to go and go off track.


Welcome to my world Joe. I ended up buying 4 of these kits trying to build up one. I scratch built mounts for the motor from the firewall forward. Got the -3 kit because it had the intercoolers. Had to best guess the carbs as I couldn't find a decent picture of the back side of the engine. I made custom mounts for the engine cause I used Vector engine that had intake and exhaust manifold ports on the cylinder heads but..the kit exhaust would not fit and I ended up nearly scratch building it. Had to totally scratch build the firewall between the engine and accessory bay (which was a fun thing todo actually) because the kit part would not mate with the Vector engine.

It's a good kit in general but I would suggest to folks in the future to do it OOB. Lots of work to make the details right.