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1/72 KI-51 Sonia

Wow Chris, you are showing some mad skills there, man

Thanks Bruce . Not as hard as all that :good: I noticed a good bit of overspray on the SC. museum pieces. Of course that does not mean that the originals were not done better :idonno

Cheers, C B)
Just a bit of progress. Pin washes, exhaust , wheels and muzzle flashes.


I think it's ready for a flat coat.

Cheers, Christian B)
Hey I'm drooling over here! :laugh:

As boneyards go that's pretty impressive. You could make a heck of a dio out of that wreckage.
I have yet to see you put anything sub par out in the way of built kits. Rock on, Chris. :ro:
No reports since June??? :eek:hmy: Part of The Lost Squadron? :coolio :D

Possibly :coolio However , there have been some difficulties with supplies , personnel and labor unions :bang head

To say the least about other distractions ...


A new canopy has been acquired and in work ( without further pictures yet ) Sorry :coolio

Cheers, C B)
I have yet to see you put anything sub par out in the way of built kits. Rock on, Chris. :ro:

Thanks for your support and interest Luiz and Paul :)

Paul , thank you for your kind words but you are over selling me . I Have never completed a flawless model , although I wish I could :blush:

Cheers, C. B)
Building at my speed. :popcorn

That is not quite correct Bob . While waiting for parts , there have been other distractions which will be shared In other build threads.

I consider this to be the best 1/72 kit interior that I have ever run across.



Oh and there is also this , which surprised me by how far I got before getting it out of the way .


By the way did you swim the channel ? :rotf

Thank you everyone for previous comments

Cheers, C. B)
I really enjoy the less-than-trendy subjects you choose! I'm certain contest judges will appreciate The Ki-51!
That does look like a nice interior! :pilot

It really is for kit parts, except for the seat belt and ( that hand pump ) that tragically vanished.

I' m surprise the kit makers did not supply the belts . The kit looks great throughout . More at a latter date .

Cheers, c. B)
I really enjoy the less-than-trendy subjects you choose! I'm certain contest judges will appreciate The Ki-51!

Thanks Chris . Keeps my interest high ... voices coming out of the closet you know :woohoo:

I hold no hope from the local IPMS bunch . it never seem to go well with things they are unfamiliar with .

I'll settle for positive comments from the builders. Plenty good enough for me.

Cheers, C. B)