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1/48 scale Bf 109's x 2

Some actual work done on the Hasegawa Bf 109K-4, the cockpit is built and painted, the fuselage and wings have been assembled and the seam lines have been given some Mr. Surfacer where needed.




The wheels have been painted and are in need of their weathering.


The wings are not yet glued to the fuselage and was just pressed into place for the picture.

Thanks for looking guys!

No pictures now even though there has been some decent progress made on the K-4...a series of powerful storms have hit my area that has left me without power for a while and also caused some minor flooding in my house, after cleaning up the mess from the water I nearly got flooded again less than 24 hours later, my house sits on a slope so flooding is not too common but the intense rainfall forced water inside anyway. :(
Just yesterday one of the storm fronts that traveled directly over me later spawned a tornado on the Oregon/Washington border which is quite rare for the PNW. Its been a rough week.

Sometime early next week the storms are expected to lessen and I hope to be able get some new pictures by then...my carport is still flooded which makes getting pictures impossible since that's where nearly all of my in-progress pictures are taken when its raining. :S

Batten down the hatches & all that. I heard about the tornado from a friend of mine. it hit a corner of his property before it touched down a mile away.
We've been hit with rain the past couple days here in the foothills of Central Calif.
Hang in there bud & post up some pics when ya can. :zen :zen :zen :zen :zen
Holy Doodoo!

We are having unseasonably warm weather here at the mistake on the lake!

68 tomorrow!...

Last year we had 24" of snow already and sub-zero temps....
Thanks Ed!
To help prevent some of the water from reaching my house I dug a trench in my driveway to divert the flow and so far its working quite well, after heavy rains there is always a steady stream of water running down my driveway towards my house that lasts for days afterwards and is not too bad of a problem but these crazy storms that hit are too much for the land to absorb that much rainfall and if I can divert some of the water it might prevent or slow down the water from getting inside the house.
This is a really wet climate that I live in and am used to lots of rain but the amount of rain that fell the last few days has been unreal, some people have lost their homes and/or vehicles because of flooding and there is not a thing they can do about it...I am not talking about those that live near rivers or places that flood every year some areas were recently flooded that usually never have floods. By early next week the damaging weather will be replaced by the sucky wet weather we usually have. :eek:ldguy

Yeah, ya gotta do what ya can to keep the place from flooding. I just heard on the radio we're under a storm watch until Sunday! :eek:hmy: Course, weneed the rain but, make it in moderation... :frantic :frantic
Glad you are having good weather at your place. I think the days of having 'normal' weather are over so when you have good weather make the most of it! :coolio

Thanks for looking guys!

No pictures now even though there has been some decent progress made on the K-4...a series of powerful storms have hit my area that has left me without power for a while and also caused some minor flooding in my house, after cleaning up the mess from the water I nearly got flooded again less than 24 hours later, my house sits on a slope so flooding is not too common but the intense rainfall forced water inside anyway. :(
Just yesterday one of the storm fronts that traveled directly over me later spawned a tornado on the Oregon/Washington border which is quite rare for the PNW. Its been a rough week.


As I began reading this I started wondering if you lived in the PNW...lo and behold! :laugh: Fortunately I haven't had much worse than a bunch of standing puddles and loads of yard debris that was torn off the trees during all the windstorms. Surprisingly I never lost power. :eek:hmy: Hang in there. Hopefully this crazy weather passes soon.
Up until very late this afternoon its been raining plus a few random hail showers but it cleared up enough to get outside and get some in-progress pictures...it was a little too dark to get quality pictures but I made the most out of the available light.

The K-4 airframe is pretty much complete and painting will begin soon.



Bf 109K-4 parts...the wheels have been given their weathering and the propeller and spinner have been assembled and painted. The canopy was masked off a few hours ago and is ready to be put on the model.

