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1/48 scale Bf 109's x 2

Thanks Ed, Bob, Ian, and Luiz! :)

More weathering has been done, this time with enamel paints.

I wanted the undersurface of this model to look like it had operated from a wet airstrip at one time with the dirt and muddy water dried.



The brown you see coming from the exhaust stacks is the base coat for the exhaust stains, I will go over this later on with highly thinned flat black paint for the final exhaust staining. I want the flat black to have a very slight brownish tint to it.


There will be some detail of the wheel wells added with a paint brush later on...the landing gear legs are not glued in just yet.



The temps here are expected to reach near 100 so my work on the models might be suspended for the next couple of days. Not sure when I might get this one finished. :unsure:


Your oil streaks looks like oil streaks, every time I try them they look like brush strokes. (y)
Excellent Job Les ... turning out to be a real stunner ... :love ... It ... I know what you mean by High temps ... been up to 109 Here ... today only 97 ... We're getting a cold front Thursday only 84 ... Yee-Haww ...

Sorry but win 10 upgrade has taken up my forum time ... I may have it under control ... So I'll be checking in and trying to post when I can ... Once again Excellent workman-ship ... :woohoo: (y) :woohoo: :ro: :dude
Thanks guys.

Having a bad day...after spraying the flat clear coat some of the Future decided to come off the model and took some random patches of the weathering along with it. The Future that remained on the model looked like badly silvered decals in places.
I set the model in the sun for about an hour to speed up the drying of the flat coat and later used my fingertips to remove the loose looking bits of Future and used a wide flat paint brush to brush on more Future over the problem areas, this seems to have worked and the finish of the model looks okay now but I still have to restore the places where the weathering was damaged.
The flat clear coat I used was from a really old bottle that I have had for years and I suspect that may have been the problem.

The other thing that has been a real drag the past few days is my cat is in the process of dying...I just don't care all that much about modeling at the moment and hope the cat will pass away soon to end its suffering. :(

Les, sure am sorry about your cat. One of my dogs is getting on up there in age, really not looking forward to that time. Sending you :zen big guy.
I am really sorry to hear about your tribulations Les. Loosing a pet can be quite hard. It doesn't matter if it is quite old or something sudden before its time.

I had to redo my hobby room before I was able to go back in there for any length of time when I lost Harley. It is hard if you let them pass and it is just as hard if you take them to the vet. You have my sympathies and prayers my friend it isn't easy.

I know you will be able to correct the 109 problems. It might even look better as you will be taking a second look at things.

Sorry to hear about you cat Les. Pets are so much a member of our families. Wishing you all the best my friend. :zen
Les, I have two cats so I know what you're going through as I've lost several before. Hang tough and I'll keep you in my prayers. I hope that your cat goes peacefully in painlessly.

Take all the time you need, we'll all still be here.
Thanks for the kind words about the cat.

Its over and he passed away, I am glad he is dead as he was suffering quite badly and hearing his cries for help was pretty disturbing knowing I could do nothing to help. The cat died from what looked like bad infections around one of his ears and I could not get him to eat or drink anything for days and he wasted away to almost a skeleton covered with fur by the time he died.
This cat adopted me about two years ago and was an older cat that looked like he had lived a very rough life, when I gained his trust enough to where I could get close I could see he had a massive wound on his left side and some teeth were missing. He eventually healed up from those injuries and over time he allowed me to pet him and then weeks later I could pick him up, not long after that the cat waited for me every morning outside the door so I could pick him up and take him for a walk, a routine that occurred up until a couple weeks ago.
Once last year I was setting up my photobase getting ready to take pictures of a newly finished model and the cat jumped up on the photobase to check it out, he came close to damaging the model and we locked eyes for a moment and I could tell he was not sure if he should be there or not and I yelled CAT! and he instantly knew he should not be up there and skittered off, he never did that again...very smart animal.

I was lucky and was able to fix the damage to the surface of the 109. The old bottle of flat coat was thrown out and I used a much fresher bottle and had zero problems.
BTW, these pictures have an orange tint to them because of the smoke from forest fires that made it all the way to the coast, highly unusual and can't recall this ever happening here before.





And this last picture shows the wing roots to good effect. After the flat clear coat is 100% dry I will spray on the exhaust stains to complete the painting...some of the wear on the wing roots will be toned down when the exhaust stains are airbrushed on.


Nice story Les, sorry for your loss, I'm sure another one will come along for some friendship.

Model is looking great, the smokey haze isn't bad, adds a bit of warmth to the shots. (y)
Thanks for the comments!

The damage that occurred to the finish was strange, the worst affected areas were right on the markings and it was so bad I really thought the model was pooched, brushing on more Future and re-spraying the weathering and flat coat was my only play and it worked. Whew! I was lucky this time.

No 109 pictures now, instead a few of my cat. He was nothing special in the looks dept. but was a great cat anyway.


Below are two snaps of one of his kills...a chipmonk. He ate most of this one.



The cat was a wonderful hunter and would often share his kills with me...there were a lot of headless mice, rats, and chipmonks he placed near the door, I had to always look down before stepping outside or risk a squishy feel under my foot. Yuck.

That's a good looking cat Les! Sending you some :zen for your loss!

I've been away for a bit but your 109's are.looking great! (y) (y)