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1/48 scale Bf 109's x 2

Thanks again for looking.

The wear on the back of the propeller blades was super easy to do and here is what I did to achieve that:

1. The prop blades were sprayed RLM 70

2. On the rear of the prop blades I sprayed on some metall, the metall was not thinned much and the reason for this is I wanted to have sort of a grainy look to represent the paint being eroded.

3. To avoid too much of the paint splatter look I did some dry brushing with the same metall paint.

A step that has yet to be done is using a silver artists pencil on the very leading edge of the prop blades near the tips, this step will be done after the flat clear coat has been sprayed on...I want at least some of the wear to look fresher than the others to better represent the wear to have occurred over a period of time rather than all in one day.


Thanks Les! Totally not what I expected - but you can't argue the results!
Thanks very much guys!

I have not done too much on the Hasegawa G-10 lately because I am rushing to get the Revell 109 finished ASAP, here is what was done recently.

The tire treads were given some dirt put inside them and I toned down the worn off paint on the back of the prop blades by spraying on a little RLM 70. Not pictured is the spinner which also had its coat of RLM 70 painted on, the spinner for this 109 will not have a spiral on it, instead it will be painted 1/3 white and 2/3 RLM 70.


The airframe was given a base coat of RLM 76 and will be given its pre-shading later after the Revell 109G-10 is closer to being finished.

Thanks Dave and Luiz!

Here are the wheels after the flat coat was sprayed on...now they are starting to look properly used. :)


The propeller and spinner is now assembled and painted.



This is the final view of the underside of the G-10 before it gets some pre-shading.


Thanks for looking! :)

While I had the airbrush out painting some other models I did the pre-shading on the Hasegawa 109, next it will get most all of this covered up.



Thanks again guys! :notworthy

Work on this model has been slowed for a bit but has not to a complete stop...

While I had my oil paints out I did an experiment, I already did the pre-shading so I thought I would try 'pre-oil washing' by adding some streaks and staining to represent the paint being stained by leaking oil. There is no telling how this will work after the last of the RLM 76 coat is sprayed on but if it looks really bad I can just spray over it. Nothing to lose doing this except a few drops of paint.


I also did some work with oil paints on the wheels to bring out a bit more detail...but its difficult to see the difference in this picture. ;)


Thanks Bob!
I pay more attention to painting/weathering wheels than most do, when you think about it the wheels are in contact with the ground nearly all the time the aircraft is not in use and also they are often very visible parts on most models so I like to put extra effort into making them look suitably worn looking...especially on larger scale models.

Now that the Revell 109 is finished work goes on with the Hasegawa kit.

The pre-shading has been covered up a bit with a coat of RLM 76.

