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1/48 scale Bf 109's x 2

Yes I know of the upgrades and decal sheets for the kit but I just don't have the funds to get them at this time. :(

Since I am already building the Revell Bf 109G-10 'Erla' I figured why not build a Hasegawa G-10 along side it. :eek:hyeah
Here is the box top for the Hasegawa kit, notice the authentic weathering on the top of the box...ten years of being in my stash of kits has given it a nice layer of dust!


Below are a couple pictures of the cockpit parts after painting the base coat of RLM 66.


Before I sprayed on the RLM 66 I did some detail painting with gloss black, I held the fuselage sides upside down and held the airbrush off to the side to make sure only the raised areas received any of the black paint. When I the RLM 66 I sprayed it only from the top trying to keep a little of the black showing, my goal for doing this was to create some forced shadows to help bring out some of the detail in the cockpit parts.
The arrows point to where some of the forced shadows can be seen...sadly it does not come out very well in my pictures. ;)


Next pictures I post of this model will show the finished painting of the cockpit.

More work done on the Hasegawa G-10 cockpit.

Here I did some work with black oil paint to bring out some of the molded in detail and the forced shadow effect I did earlier. Instead of using the oil paint on a gloss surface I put the oil paint directly on the flat painted surfaces, this way the wash would spread out a bit and not look so much like a pin wash.



Below are most of the cockpit parts after detail painting...the IP is still being painted and is not pictured here.



I am using this EagleCal sheet for the markings on this model.


...and I am going with the markings for this aircraft, ''green 4'', for a late war drab 74/75/76 painted Bf 109 this one is at least colorful. :coolio


Thank you Ian, I just love these 'patchwork' looking late war 109's. :love

The engine cowl could very well be a replacement from a grounded 109 but its hard to say for sure, there were a few other 109's that were built with mis-matched painted engine cowls, one thing that I can be sure of though is I really like that JG 300 emblem on the cowl, it gives the aircraft some character.

Here the cockpit parts have been dry fitted in the fuselage halves...I can't wait to see the IP in there too, without it the cockpit looks goofy.



This particular boxing of the Hasegawa Bf 109G-10 came with some P.E. parts as a bonus, I will be using the seat belts for sure and they need to be added before I can close up the fuselage halves.

Thanks guys!

Not too much done on this model the past few days, the Revell 109G-10 'Erla' has been getting most of my attention lately and I have been trying to avoid some of the goofs that they have put in their build instructions. :smack

I might have a small update of this model posted later today. :idonno

A couple pictures of this build.

The fuselage halves are glued together, notice I did not get a tight join of the rear fuselage spine...the full size 109 rear fuselage was built in halves and there is a natural seam line on the top and bottom of the fuselage and to aid in replicating this on my model I wanted to NOT have the rear fuselage glued together very tightly so I can easily scribe the line back in later.


I drilled out the ends of the cowl mounted MG barrels and thinned the tiny cooling air scoops for a better appearance, on this kit the air scoops were slightly flashed over and needed opening up anyway.

