Yes I know of the upgrades and decal sheets for the kit but I just don't have the funds to get them at this time.
Since I am already building the Revell Bf 109G-10 'Erla' I figured why not build a Hasegawa G-10 along side it.
Here is the box top for the Hasegawa kit, notice the authentic weathering on the top of the box...ten years of being in my stash of kits has given it a nice layer of dust!
Below are a couple pictures of the cockpit parts after painting the base coat of RLM 66.
Before I sprayed on the RLM 66 I did some detail painting with gloss black, I held the fuselage sides upside down and held the airbrush off to the side to make sure only the raised areas received any of the black paint. When I the RLM 66 I sprayed it only from the top trying to keep a little of the black showing, my goal for doing this was to create some forced shadows to help bring out some of the detail in the cockpit parts.
The arrows point to where some of the forced shadows can be seen...sadly it does not come out very well in my pictures.
Next pictures I post of this model will show the finished painting of the cockpit.
Yes I know of the upgrades and decal sheets for the kit but I just don't have the funds to get them at this time.
Since I am already building the Revell Bf 109G-10 'Erla' I figured why not build a Hasegawa G-10 along side it.
Here is the box top for the Hasegawa kit, notice the authentic weathering on the top of the box...ten years of being in my stash of kits has given it a nice layer of dust!
Below are a couple pictures of the cockpit parts after painting the base coat of RLM 66.
Before I sprayed on the RLM 66 I did some detail painting with gloss black, I held the fuselage sides upside down and held the airbrush off to the side to make sure only the raised areas received any of the black paint. When I the RLM 66 I sprayed it only from the top trying to keep a little of the black showing, my goal for doing this was to create some forced shadows to help bring out some of the detail in the cockpit parts.
The arrows point to where some of the forced shadows can be seen...sadly it does not come out very well in my pictures.
Next pictures I post of this model will show the finished painting of the cockpit.