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1/48 scale Bf 109's x 2

The H 12 camo looks very impressive...extremely realistic!

...great job on both :good: ...

...nice teachings ... as always (y)

Thank you for posting!

Thank you Bob and Luiz!

I finished painting on the KG(j)6 checkered tail band on the Bf 209, now that is done I will paint the wheel wells on both Messerschmitts and then give them a coat of Future before adding the decals.




Looking spiffy. I really like the checker tail bands for some reason. Just set the a/c off nicely.
Les is that the G-14? I don't think I have ever seen one with a cowl like that, assuming that's the radiator. Very sleek looking.
Thanks again guys!

The Bf 209G and K drawings looked nearly the same so I can only guess the same engine was projected for both types. Keep in mind the drawings I had seen were not highly detailed so not a lot of information was to be gleaned from them. The Bf 209 had the same type of radiator arrangement as the Fw 190D.
The Bf 209K was the last stand for Messerschmitt to overturn the RLM's decision to use Focke-Wulf as the sole supplier of piston engine fighters and this proposal failed, the Ta 152C and H versions were seen as the better aircraft with more room for improvements when better aero engines became available.

A few last bits of painting needed to be done before I could give these two models their clear gloss coats.

The wheel wells were masked and airbrushed while the exhaust stubs were hand painted.



All the markings are on these two Messerschmitts and some of the weathering too.



The Bf 209K-4 has the landing gear glued on earlier today and is drying.

Here are some snaps of my Bf 109 paint mule.
I wanted to try the salt weathering technique to add a worn temporary white paint job like that was used on Luftwaffe aircraft during the winter on the Russian front, this white paint would wear off fairly quickly and would have to be retouched every so often and before retouching it would have a very patchy look to it.
The wings of the paint mule were given a camouflage paint job, RLM 74 and 75 on the left hand side and green on the right side and then some markings were applied, when the paint and decals were dry I used a wet paint brush to add some salt in random places on the wings but mostly on the wing roots. Some flat white was lightly sprayed on in an uneven fashion. Once the paint dried the salt was rubbed away to reveal the results seen here. This experiment turned out okay for being in 1/72 scale but I am sure it would look much better if done on larger scale models.




Thanks Chuck!
These painting experiments are a lot of fun to do and are a great teaching tool, better to screw up the paint mule than a paint job on a 'good' model. :)

The painting job on the rare 109 ' s are superb,as always...really , the salt technique works very well...great post...thanks! :good:

Thanks again Luiz!

If I were to attempt to use the salt weathering technique as a way to show worn off temporary white paint on a new model I would have used a lot more salt on the leading edges of the wings, they often were the first place where the winter white paint would wear off.

The Bf 109H-12 and Bf 209K-4 are not going well at the moment, getting the landing gear legs at the correct angle has not been easy, the H-12 is especially tricky since the landing gear legs have no locating pins at all. I have built a number of early MPM/Special Hobby kits before and am used to not having locating pins but for some reason these landing gear legs on the H-12 are being difficult.

Another problem with the H-12 is painting the canopy frames, the canopy used on my model came from the Intech Bf 109G-12 kit and for most of the canopy the frame lines are either not there or so light I can barely see them while other parts of the canopy DO show the frame lines and they are horribly too wide.
Both the Bf 209K and Bf 109H-12 canopies are being hand painted, only the base of the canopies were masked and painted, this was done to have a perfect color match with the rest of the airframe.

Another problem with the H-12 is painting the canopy frames, the canopy used on my model came from the Intech Bf 109G-12 kit and for most of the canopy the frame lines are either not there or so light I can barely see them while other parts of the canopy DO show the frame lines and they are horribly too wide.

Les when ever I see someone having issues with canopy frames I have to throw out the suggestion about using painted decal paper cut into strips. I've used it a number of times and they give a bit more definition to the frames with the slight suggestion of a raised surface that you may see on a frame.

Good luck!
Thanks for the suggestion Bob, its a bit too late though since both canopies are finished with their painting.
What was so maddening about the H-12 canopy was the areas where the molded in canopy frames were visible, they were way too wide and strips of painted decal film would not have fixed that problem. :( That Hobbycraft/Intech Bf 109G-12 kit where I got the canopy from is just pure evil, while its certainly buildable there would be so much extra effort needed to make a presentable model out of it that it would not be worth the time to do so. The one thing that I do like about it is the decal sheet.

Anyway...whenever I hand paint (or airbrush) the canopy framework on my models I always paint black-gray RLM 66 first and then the exterior color of the airframe to give the illusion that the inside of the canopy framework is painted and it matches up well with the rest of the cockpit.

Here are some images of the Messerschmitts, notice the canopy of the Bf 109H-12 and how wide some of the framework is...yikes! :sick:




I still need to add a few small bits to the Bf 109H-12 and detail paint them, then both models will get a clear flat coat so I can re-attach the canopies, add the props and wheels, and then use a silver artist pencil to add some very light paint chipping to complete them.

Here are some images of the Messerschmitts, notice the canopy of the Bf 109H-12 and how wide some of the framework is...yikes! :sick:


Consider this Les, That was a trainer and was a custom build so it is quite possible that the frame WAS a bit thicker as it ws fabricated eh?

Was just a thought (and thinking out loud gets me in trouble every time :smack )
Not too bad Les ! ... another masterpieces in this small scale :notworthy


P.S : By the way Les , what are the next ones in your planning ?
Thanks Paul and Luiz!

I want to get started on the Revell 1/32 scale Bf 109G-10 'Erla' ASAP so that will be the next one I will be starting...PaulW was kind enough to send me that kit as a gift and I don't want him to think I was going to let it rot in my stash forever like I am known to do with many kits I own. ;)
Also I have the two seat Do 335 trainer that needs to be finished and that will happen as soon as the single seat Zerstorer is finished and out of my way.

Its been a long time since my work table has been cleaned and that's something that HAS to be done before I start any new builds, my work table has so many parts from different builds, paint mules, and extra unused model parts laying about that it looks like the aftermath of a 8th AF bombing raid on a German aircraft factory. :(
So the Erla G-10 might take a couple more weeks before I can start it.

Ok...Les!...this 1/32 109 will be a must to follow :popcorn ...good luck my friend!


P.S. : Les , did you already see the resin upgrades from Barracuda for it? ;) :dance :D