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1/48 scale Bf 109's x 2

The Bf 109K-14 was planned to the last variant in the 109 series, the K-14 was to be powered by the DB 605L using the VDM 9-12199 four blade propeller and had upgraded armament with a MK 108 mounted in each wing. Because of the worsening war situation the RLM decided to stop Bf 109 production after the K-4 series, since the cancellation of the K-14 the few completed DB 605L engines and VDM 9-12199 propellers that were intended for the K-14 were set aside and it was not until a shortage of the standard K-4 power units occurred late in the war the decision was to utilize the DB 605L to keep the production line working.
There have been stories of a small number of K-14s making it to the front in the last few weeks of the war but that is not true, in the confusion during that time the DB 605L powered K-4s were thought to be K-14s but they did not have the MK 108s mounted in the wings so they were not true K-14s but simply souped up K-4s.
About two years ago over at LEMB there was a photograph posted from an auction site of some Luftwaffe aircraft in an aircraft graveyard in the Russian zone of occupation and in the background there was a 109 with a four blade propeller...one of the DB 605L powered Bf 109K-4s? :hmmm

Now that the K-4 is finished I will soon do the same with the Academy Me 109E, the basic camouflage scheme has been painted on. The aircraft I am modeling had some field applied streaks of RLM 71 sprayed on the sides of the fuselage and that's what will be painted on this model next.





Is this going to be an Mottleless one I kinda like the early ones without the mottles They look so difrent (y)
This model will be done in the same scheme and markings as the box top...of course my model will have a proper swastika on the fin instead of the stupid looking cross thingie you see on the box art. :)


It might come down to each country with its own laws concerning the display of swastikas on models at shows, Germany would most likely frown upon the idea.

Here is the Academy kit after the start of applying decals, after looking at photographs of the real deal most aircraft flown by this unit looks to have the RLM 71 green lines sprayed around the markings and I will be doing this on my model as well.



The rest of the decals have been put on and the snakey style of mottling used by JG 54 on the fuselage was carefully sprayed around the markings.
The exhaust stains were also airbrushed on.




Thanks guys!

The oil wash has been done and that's about all the weathering this model will get, photographs show this unit did not have heavily weathered aircraft when it flew the Me 109E-3 so this model will get a clean finish compared to what I usually do.




Thank you Ian,
I had quite a time getting pictures of this one, the high gloss finish made it difficult to avoid light reflection so I ended up taking a lot of pics today just to get a few usable images.

I started a couple other Messerschmitts a couple days ago, one is the 1/72 scale HobbyCraft Bf 109G-12 two seat trainer and the other is the Huma Bf 209.



The Huma kit had no surprises for me but the HobbyCraft kit gave me quite a shock...its terrible! Everything about it is rubbish, the larger parts are crudely molded and have a gritty texture on them while many of the small parts had some flash that needed to be removed. I have built several of the really old Special Hobby and MPM kits before but they were nowhere near as bad as the HobbyCraft Bf 109G-12 is, I did some basic assembly and also did some dry fitting of the larger parts and realized this kit is hopeless. I will just build the basic airframe and use it as a paint mule.
Here are a couple snaps to show a little of how bad the Bf 109G-12 is...
Notice how one side of the fuselage is larger than the other.

There was a huge amount of sanding and carving needed to get the wing to even come close to fitting to the fuselage and there are still massive gaps that would need to be filled. Also the top and bottom half of the wings don't fit together very well, the bottom half had an uneven thickness of plastic...some areas were too thick and others too thin, I have never seen anything like it before on a model kit.
What you see below is the result after I spent a lot of time getting these things to match better.

...and the Huma kit, a very basic kit but at least it fits together without a lot of hassle. Notice the orange/brown color on the edge of the fuselage parts...it looks like nicotine stains from being exposed to cigarette smoke, the funny thing is I have never smoked cigarettes. :idonno


I never give up on kits, even the really bad ones but the HobbyCraft Bf 109G-12 is just not worth the effort. Not even the parts from this kit are worth saving. :(

Since the Bf 109G-12 is a no go I have come up with an alternate plan and will show you what I am up to later on. :cheer:

If ever a kit deserved the cherry bomb treatment its the HobbyCraft Bf 109G-12. (y)
As I was looking over the sprues for any usable parts worth saving I noticed the name Intech molded onto the sprues, I don't know much about a model company with that name but if the Bf 109G-12 kit is representative of Intech products look before you buy any of their kits! I purchased my Bf 109G-12 via mail order years ago and never did give it more than a quick look in the box before tossing it onto the stash.

If Hasegawa, Revell, or Tamiya were REALLY smart they would produce kits of the two seat trainer versions of the Bf 109 and Fw 190, I am sure they would be good sellers.

Since the Hobbycraft Bf 109G-12 was a bust I have come up with a new plan...I have decided to try and use a few items from the Hobbycraft G-12 and combine them with a MPM Bf 109H kit to make a Bf 109H-12 two seat trainer, as far as I know nobody has ever built a model of a Bf 109H-12 two seat trainer before so my model will be original. :eek:hyeah
Also some work has been done on the Huma Bf 209, to make this model a little more interesting I will make some changes to the kit to produce the little known Bf 209K-4 variant, the Bf 209K-4 was a paper project and none were ever built since the entire Bf 209 program was cancelled by the RLM in favor of producing the Ta 152 series of aircraft.



Here are some snaps of the Hobbycraft Bf 109G-12 kit, I am building this to be used as a paint mule. To get this far on this horrible kit has taken much more time than the all the work done on the Huma Bf 209 and MPM Bf 109H combined. NOTHING on this kit fits together without a lot of extra carving and sanding work.


