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1/48 scale Bf 109's x 2

Thanks guys!

By Monday morning the decals should be 100% dry and I will spray on a thin coat of Future to blend in the decals a little better.

No doubt you are correct on this, the way I see it the cost would be the same to do it right as it would to get it wrong, my guess is the mistake on the exhaust stacks was done on a Monday morning, very early on a Monday morning. :unsure:

Thanks Terry,
Even old kits like this Academy 109E deserve to be built. :)

I found another big mistake on the Academy kit, the ailerons and flaps are molded as one single piece. It reminds me of a sport RC plane that has the ailerons on the entire trailing edge of the wing.
This will be fixable, I just need to scribe a line to separate the flaps from the ailerons.

Thank you Dusan!

More work done on the little Academy Me 109E.

I did some painting on the cockpit area, the base color of RLM was sprayed followed by some black for the pre-shading that was also done. For such a tiny kit there is some nicely molded in detail on it, such detail deserves to get some proper painting done on it.


The seat is not yet glued in, I need to do some detail painting on it first, the seat belts are molded into the seat and are pretty well detailed.


Here is a picture of the wing and the 'flaperon', Academy failed to have any separation of the aileron and flaps. The red arrow points to where the separation should be, its strange Academy missed such an obvious feature. :idonno But at least this an easy fix unlike the backwards exhaust stacks.


More in-progress on the Me 109E.

The cockpit bits have been painted and fuselage halves glued together.


The wing is just dry fitted here, the fit is very good.

Thanks dollar19!

The more I get into the construction of this one the more I see whats wrong with it, at least this kit is easy to build and fits together quite well.

Thanks Bob,
No primer on this model, that's the color of the plastic. At the wing root a spot of red can be seen and that's the spot putty I used to fill a small gap. On most of the seam lines on the fuselage and leading edges of the wings I painted on Mr. Surfacer and ended up sanding 99% of it off, the fit of this model is good enough to where hardly any filler is needed. :)

Thanks Dave and Luiz!

Its been a while since much was done on these models, so here is an update.

The K-4 had had some work done with oil paints, most of the work centered on the undersurfaces by enhancing the panel lines and adding some dirt stains to the undersides of the wings. The upper surfaces also had some weathering done with oil paints by adding some staining near the fuel filler hatch, wear marks on the wing roots, and enhancing the panel lines on the engine cowls and control surfaces.
The exhaust shields and exhaust stubs were glued in, after the flat clear coat is sprayed on I will spray on a little more exhaust staining to complete the weathering effect in that area.

The little Academy Me 109E has been given its base coat of RLM 65, when the paint is 100% dry I will do the usual highlighting and pre-shading.





