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1/32 P-38M "M" for madness

One minor up date for you all. Guess whats next ??...............Harv

Painting test has begun ! Actually had some time to fire up the air brush. First pi is, TOP LEFT: black pre shade, TOP RIGHT is dark blue pre-shade. BOTTOM RIGHT is just semi gloss black. So far , I like the looks of the all semi gloss. But after a few more added colors, we;ll see. I'll explain each step as I go. When all done, I let you all decide witch is the best !..............Harv


My MOJO is not here today. Found that at some point, broke the blade antenna off the bottom of the left boom. Have to make a new one. Hopefully more tomorrow....Harv
OK guys, I need your help/ advice. Of the two pics, which one is better for painting my P-38M ? Please help me out............Harv


had hoped to get the finnal test painting done yesterday or today, but worked a 16 hr shift last night sooo, kind of shot that. Try tomorrow, if it doesn't rain. Thanks for hanging in there with me !..............Harv
Ok, small update. Really bored tonight, so decided to tackle the vac canopy (rear). Been putting it off, because I was afraid of it, you know, screwing it up. But here it is . Still needs a little sanding, and a dip in future. But the fit is good to go. Thanks for looking in..........Harv

Nice work Harv. Every vac canopy I have done I've screwed up. I really cant wait to see this in paint. Its a beaut. (y) (y) (y)