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1/32 P-38M "M" for madness

James, I'm in the process of my last test (I hope) Our own Chuck was kind enough to offer some tips and hints on doing black paint. So we'll see. Its supposed to rain all day tomorrow, so most likely be Monday. I sure hope it comes out like I hope !!..............Harv
Another small update. Weather was not friendly today, so no paint. But I did manage to start on the Jerry Rutman props. Basic clean up and sanding. Nothing glued in the pic, still a little touching up and then paint. Thanks for looking in......Harv

OK, DRUM ROLL...THe WINNER IS.......Found my color ! Lots of people from other sites also, helped me with tis, and I'm very grateful ! A great big THANK YOU to Chuck !!
The first pic is some pre color on some made up panels, to see , If anything, would stand out. It didn't so I'll pass entirely on this, and hope the post shading will accomplish this.
The second pic is painted, and inside light. The third is outside light. Thanks for all the help, everyone ! Please let me know what YOU think...........Harv



OH MAN,OH MAN, OH MAN...Can you tell I'm excited !!! Started painting this morning !! And I'm one happy camper. I really need feedback on this guys ! I'm lovin it so far. More pics to follow later this morning !!!............Harv( the excited one) :yipee


Finally, get a good look at the fruit of your efforts (y) Looking pretty impressive Harvey. :D

Cheers, Christian B)
Excellent black. Looks great Harv. You're doing the salt treatment for chipping? What did you use for that shade of black btw (you probably mentioned already didnt you).
Christian and James, thanks bunches guys ! I'm really happy with it so far ! James, color is a 50-50 mix of semi gloss black and Russet, thinned quite a bit.............Harv
What brand of paint Harv ? I thin the Nato black with red brown Tamiya for my own use .

Cheers, Christian B)
I have been so excited about this, Please, all comments and critiques are welcome !
Hope you enjoy as much as I am.
Sprayed clear gloss this morning, and most of the masking removed. Stuck the tires on for effect. I think the salt is a little over done, but not too bad. I think the pit really makes it POP, as well as the engine detail.Thanks for stopping by............Harv ( the happy camper)







Still lots to do, weathering, props and spinners, wing tanks bay doors and of courses, Eli's great decals......
Way to go Harv, great job. You could dry brush black around some of the larger spots to tone them down if you think you need to. Personally I dont think you do.

Looks sweet Harv! The chips on the leading edge look great. On the walkways to the cockpit I'd try something different though.(If you're the happiest camper in the world then leave it. I'm not trying to be critical and I'm not going to to into some long diatribe of what you should or shouldn't do. Just sayin.) I had the same problem on the P-38 I did a little while back. I couldn't get the walkways to look right. I ended up just over spraying everything with the AB. Trying to get that scratchy worn off walked on look is difficult! Man she's looking good though. Nice job man! :ro:
Harv, I don't know squat about aircraft, but I love this P-38! Keep on rockin'!

What a nice color! ;D Say, if you think the chipping is overdone, try using a torn sponge to dab a little base coat back over them. It will be irregular and blend nicely, iff if the colors and tranparency don't match perfectly. That's the beauty of the whole weathering thing- it's imperfect, and you can always cover up a mistake with, well- some other mistake!

Looking good, my friend!