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WIP Double Duty

This kit is the Trumpeter "Sturer Emil" and it's larger than I thought it would be.

Trumpeter calls this thing of beauty (based on a prototype chassis for what would become the Tiger) Sturer Emil. However, Panzerjaeger-Abteilung (Sfl.) 521's commander, Oberleutnant Kurt Hildebrandt relates that the two 12.8cm Sf. were called Max and Moritz by the troops while the only surviving 10.5cm Sf. was called Brummbaer, not Dicker Max.

Great work on the kit.

Hi Folks
This having to puppy sit while the wife is at work is a bummer,not really but it sure slows me down at the bench.

Ammo racks and bins completed along with a few odds and ends that go here and there.:laugh:

Memories of sheet metal shop in school:eek:hmy:
Tony Lee:)
Erik the stick grenades are from a Tamiya German Infantry Weapons set I found in the stash.

The PE set is not a huge set but with the kit being from Trumpeter i'll use a lot of it before i'm done.

Tony Lee:)
Tree,I never know when you're going to pop in but I appreciate it when you do.(y)

Pup wanted to know how I make my hinges so this morning I assembled one and took pictures as I went. This is just the way I do it and i'm sure there are many other ways just as easy.

First thing I do is curl up the tabs with a dental pick.

When you lace the two halves together it looks like this.

I tape the plates to the bench and lay the hinge wire in the trough formed by the tabs and tape it down.

Now i'm ready to start forming a hinge. First I bend the first two tabs on the ends and the center over the wire so the wire stays centered.

Then I fold the rest of the tabs over the wire to complete that process.

Next I place a steel straight edge on the back side of the hinge and press a small flat blade screw driver on the ends of the tabs to tighten them up on the wire,turn it around and do the other side.

Remove the tape,pull the excess hinge wire out till it's flush on one end and snip it off flush with the other end.
Hey we've got a hinge to be proud of.:D

That's how I do it,simple ain't it?
Tony Lee:)
You make it look so simple Tony, I know, I've tried several times and always seem to muck it up some how.

Do you find the small size hinges go together the same way?

Great Stuff ! Awesome job on th Hinges.Same type of Piano Hinge found on Tiger I front fenders !! Again, Great SBS TONY !!

MOONIE > Also here's th SBS I posted on another type of Hinge. Very similar to the way TONY does his Piano hinge !

OOPS ... some how th pix didn't transfer ?? :pinch: :huh:

The ideas of taping the PE down is one i'll have a go at in the future, top hint.

ANT REEVES - :eek:hmy: Never realised that 'till you called me Tree!
Pictures should be fixed, though I can't really tell because they are on PHOTOBUCKET!...just saying.

Tree...that's funny! What'sup Ant!! :mpup
Saw this some three days ago and have been reading it, on and off as other chores permit, and I must say that this is one terrific Thread/build! :notworthy Jeez Tony, you must have some 5 or 6 builds on your bench by now and all are incredible jobs: amazing, really! :eek:hmy:

For curiosity's sake: does your "penchant" for self propelled guns have anything to do with the interior of this type of vehicle being mostly apparent on the finished models?
It would be a good reason to me...

Congrats on all builds and thanks a lot for sharing them with us! :dude

Cheers! B)
Thanks everyone it was my pleasure,at least i'm good for something.:lol:

Fernao before I started modeling I noticed there weren't a lot of SPGs being built on the different sites and having a soft spot in my heart for them I fell right in line. The open units are like cut-aways that let you look inside and get a feel for just how the crews lived and worked under battle conditions.

You're Welcome Chuk anytime.

I've known Tree for awhile now and most of that time he was just "Ant" to me, then he shows up under a new name of "Treemendus" but he didn't fool me.:D I've never met anyone from Australia or NZ that I didn't like. Good folks them Southerners.:eek:hyeah

Tony Lee:)