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Wildcat F4F-4 the sequel

Keep making these and soon you'll have it down so well you'll be selling aftermarket firewalls to the rest of us. Looks cool MP. Still watching for more.
Better the second time around! Hopefully it'll work that way on my canopy mold- :blush:

Good luck making that final bend- all looks great so far. Ever onward, never surrender!

I understand why you all make masters and cast them. So when you toast the one you're working on, cast another and don't tell anyone..Thanks guys. Saul I'll most definitely keep the old engine, matter of fact, I'm thinking of displaying in some state of disrepair.
Hi Bob, sorry to hear you engine met with disaster. That is really the faith of airplanes (crashing ) although it usually happens some time after there are wings have been attached.

When I build engines( of course smaller ) I always mount it to a piece of brass tubing and clamp it in a third hand jig so I can turn and twist it in what ever direction I need to turn. Thus far I have not launched any prematurely.

I want to thank everyone for their well wishes. Sorry I have not replied sooner but but recuperating from the surgery is taking up a lot of my time.

Still plan on being in Spartanburg for the nest club meet (one way or the other ). Hope to see you there.

Thanks John and Chris. I have the brass tube installed but that is for aligning the engine and making sure it's centered. If I had it on the third hand it would have been just a harder fall with the added weight.

If we meet up a Hooters before the meeting it should lift your spirits alittle so, Cya there!?
moon puppy wrote:
If we meet up a Hooters before the meeting it should lift your spirits alittle so, Cya there!?

Is it really Hooters, or just Bumps?? Unless the scenery is good, the food sucks.
DAMN IT! i clicked this thread, changed tabs and was surfing merrily on another page, then changed tabs again and all of a sudden THAT photo hit me!

i think i won't click into a plane build for the nearer future!
It's hitting me too Laura, though I'm going to have to check out more threads to see if there's anything else I'm missing!
Just to show I'm making really slow progress.
Started wiring the ignition system. Started off with some wire but they did not look to scale, you see that on the center of the first picture, the bottom cylinder. The next one over is solder, I think .015 is on the lable, that's not mm, may be inch. I think it scales better.



Waiting on some pipe for the exhaust manifold. The difference between Lions Roar and Griffon pipe is the problem. the 1.2 pipe from griffin has a thinner wall and is easier to work with than the Lion's Roar. I still got some polishing to do on the stainless steel finish but we're getting there.
Thanks Laura, I'm hoping those giant seam lines on the cylinder heads sort of fade away, I can't see them when looking at it but you sure can in these pictures. Seems the molds did not line up correctly and left a big step (not that big but big enough) I sent an email to Vector about it and got a reply they would forward my comments to Victor (at Vector) but I did not hear anything else. but I am having fun with this and I got the duct work figured out as well!
victor at vector!


roger roger!

... and don't call me shirley!

i didn't notice those seams until you told me but i was marvelling at all the plumbing anyway! with things like that it's easy to impress a mud pusher!
I"m thinking when I get the mags and stuff installed on the crankcase that it will be camouflaged enough no one will notice. The step was enough that if I sanded it down I would mess up the cooling fin detail so I tried to space the cylinders based on how much they would be visible.

Oh yeah, see that nut on the bottom of the crankcase in the first image, that is where the single drop of oil will be hanging on, doing that for my ol' buddy Greg, aka Dollar...
Beautifull work Bob, so much work gone into that engine, and it shows! How much of it will be visible when the plane is finished?? I hope alot :)

Cheers Erik