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Wildcat F4F-4 the sequel

OOHHH what you said! Don't jinx me like that.

I got lots of progress done lately, just don't want to bore everyone with all these things I've done. I'll unload when I'm closer to completion.
I may get some pictures today. I got a tree to cut down and haul off and the Phantom needs one more color for the SEA and then maybe get the decals on to call complete for the Brailscale. I got to get busy!
Hi Bob, Your pics are never boring!!!! The engine really came out SWEEEEEET, well worth all the time and trouble in my opinion :) plus I got learn some cool tips.

I had great ambitions for this build, but I find my self borded with it now. Not a good thing. But I have done about as much as I can do with the engine. At this point, there will be no cowl frame or forward cowl. I may come back and do it some time in the future when the inspiration strikes me. But here's what I have now.

Everything installed but the main gear.


Some rudimentary plumbing. different colors metalizers, break lines, fuel, oil.


One more thing I will get up in there is a stiff wire or brass rod as the throttle control rod. Maybe another one on the other site for the cowl flap control.


See the intercoolers, how about the down draft duct for the carb! Started off with brass tube flattened out square then a good sized chunk was cut out of one side so I could get a good bend. Filled it in with solder. Sadly I didn't get any pictures of it before I started slapping Mr Surfacer 500 to fill in the gaps and get the contures around the frame and into the carb. I'll try to get some better shots of it when closer to completion.


Just need to look up where the plaicards and logo go on the bell housing. then i'm done sure nuff.

And this leads to this...
Don't get bored yet. Awesome work there MP. I cant wait to see her all buttoned up and painted.
Thanks guys...got some problems with the wing fold. not sure what I"m going to do just yet. It's either open the wings and gun bays again, or remove the wings completely and install the nonfolding wings from the -3 kit and do a yellow wing scheme. Just don't know what to do right now.
Well now, let's see what option I'm going with...


I was OK with this, really, I was. I will use the -3 wings and I'm going go make this a Yellow Wing scheme. While I was cleaning up the wing root, the dangest thing happened. The fuselage slipped from my fat fingers. It did not hit the concrete hard as I stuck my foot out to let it hit there first. That was OK. I picked up the fusalage, nothing seemed out of sorts, then I saw it. On the floor. the left hand panel from inside the cockpit.

Still, I didn't get mad. I got out an assortment of tweezers and wiggled the thing back in place, carefully. 30 minutes later it was in place. That's when I made the call. I packed everything up in the -3 box. EVERYTHING.

I have spent too much time, effort, and not the least which, money, to get frustrated to the point of making simple and preventable mistakes. One has lead to another yet another. I"m not going to let it happen.

Again, I'm not mad, nothing went flying across the room. It's all packed up safely and securely to be picked up later and finished.

I did clean up the work bench...

And now it's on to something completely different...
moon puppy wrote:
That's when I made the call. I packed everything up in the -3 box. EVERYTHING.

Been there brother, you made the right call. Come back to it fresh and new at a later date...


BTW, that engine is just sick and I mean that in a holy cow that is awesome way when I say 'sick' but don't you ever give me another bit of grief for anything detail wise I do again.

I hate it really, I had a beautiful wing root on this. No filler was going to be needed. But in the end it's better, I created too many problems by rushing over these wings. Besides, I really want to do a Yellow Wing.
I'm sorry I missed the last updates, led me to stick my foot in my mouth (again). I really like the progress you've made on this build, Bob, it is really top notch. I understand the need to bench a project for a bit until the fire rekindles. Let's see some pix of that ground pounder now!
Bummer man. I gave my Wildcat away or I'd send you a set of wings. On the plus side the yellow wings markings would look tres cool.
Wings I have James. I got another set of folding wings that could be built up and I have the -3 wings. Thanks for the offer, and you're right, Yellow Wing WILL be tres cool.