Well now, let's see what option I'm going with...
I was OK with this, really, I was. I will use the -3 wings and I'm going go make this a Yellow Wing scheme. While I was cleaning up the wing root, the dangest thing happened. The fuselage slipped from my fat fingers. It did not hit the concrete hard as I stuck my foot out to let it hit there first. That was OK. I picked up the fusalage, nothing seemed out of sorts, then I saw it. On the floor. the left hand panel from inside the cockpit.
Still, I didn't get mad. I got out an assortment of tweezers and wiggled the thing back in place, carefully. 30 minutes later it was in place. That's when I made the call. I packed everything up in the -3 box. EVERYTHING.
I have spent too much time, effort, and not the least which, money, to get frustrated to the point of making simple and preventable mistakes. One has lead to another yet another. I"m not going to let it happen.
Again, I'm not mad, nothing went flying across the room. It's all packed up safely and securely to be picked up later and finished.
I did clean up the work bench...
And now it's on to something completely different...