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Two Italian Bf.109G in 1/72 - finished

Two Italian Bf.109G in 1/72

Doc, I know what you're going through; I'm fighting a mild flu right now too. Work for me is progressing at a snail's pace, but I'm getting some things done! Your work is looking great! Nice job on the decals. I agree with Christian, the landing gear on the one does look a bit askew.

Keep them coming Doc!
Two Italian Bf.109G in 1/72

Hello again

Yes, I saw it shortly after the Picture was taken. It was crooked but now it is straight :v

I am almost finished with the weathering and now I am happy - the camo blended well with the paneliners and it almost Looks like I used an airbrush. Pictures to follow!


Two Italian Bf.109G in 1/72

Thanks everyone

So here are the final Pictures. The G-6 did not turn out good, I guess all that PE Fitting left too many glue marks and it Looks really cumbersome. Very toy-like.

The G-10 on the other Hand Looks a bit smoother. Still far away from what you can achieve with an airbrush I am afraid but I will venture on.

Next chapter: Bf.110 from Eduard.

Thanks for looking and for your comments. I appreciate it.














That is such a tough scale to work in ...... keep up the good work. The best thing any modeler can do is to ask questions......
I think they look fantastic. You've done well and improved your skills that much more. Looking forward to seeing the Me-110.
We are always our own worst critic Alex.

I'm still impressed you are doing all this and haven't switched over to an air brush!

Thanks Warren

I cannot use an airbrush or any kind of spray with chemicals because of my severe asthma. I would love to use them but it is simply too risky. Paul (Heaven's eagle) suggested an interesting exhaustion system which might work as soon as we get the new house built. Until then, only brushes...

