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Tamiya Jagdpanzer 38 (t) Hetzer

Iron Mike

Master At Arms And Resident Curmudgeon
Hello Friends! While waiting on the oils to dry on my T-34/85, I decided to start a new project. This is the Tamiya Mittlere Produktion kit I got from my friend Joey. I have been wanting one of these since I started building armor and Joey's upcoming move has him thinning the herd, so I bought it from him.


I also found the Voyager Models PE set for the kit on sale!!


The kit is typically Tamiya, practically falling together. I decided to remove the molded in hooks, so I used copper wire.


I marked a line to locate the holes and drilled them to accept the wire.


I used a drill bit as a spacer and pulled the wire from the back, added a drop of CA to hold it in place.




The sliding louver is one of the cooler features of this PE set, went together nicely.


Tamiya includes link and length tracks in addition to the one piece vinyl parts, they fit nicely and the vehicle is tracked up in about 45 minutes.



I was having a terrible time getting the camera to cooperate today, just couldn't find the light ratio. The Gallery was giving me fits, so before the PB issue comes up, hey I tried! Thanks for looking!:D

Yeah, No doubt - Lookin' Good !! The Camo loops are lookin' Hot:evil: Good work on th P.E. !!

What type of Camo are you goin' for ? Standard Tri-Tone or th "Mickey Mouse" Camo ?

Hello friends! Thank you for the kind words, it always inspires me to hear what you think! No, this isn't one day's work, I built the lower hull last weekend, but everything else was yesterday's rewards. I may leave it raw, as I can't decide on a paint scheme. The box art is tempting, but has been done many times. Joey sent me an article that is holding a slim lead, followed closely by the stripey ambush scheme I saw in an old edition of Armor Models Magazine. I wonder if I could.....:idonno
Thats looking sweet Mike. I like the pe work and the exrta little bit you've done. Cant wait to see it in cam.
Thank you, James! The tweezers have been a Godsend! Jose, I do too! I think the shape of this vehicle is what I like best. Now if I could just decide on a color scheme! :idonno

Some progress.


Solder, we don't need no steenkin' solder!


I used the kit exhaust,filed off the molded details and replaced them with the PE parts. I had a Homer Simpson moment, though while annealing the muffler clamp!


You know, you apply the heat and the part combusts! AHHHH! D'oh!


I managed to save it, but whew!



Still a long way to go with this build, suggestions and comments always welcome!
very fine work mike! looks great!

a color scheme ... if you are undecisive call laurent lecocq for help, he always has beautiful schemes handy: http://www.profils.tk (click on "véhicules", scroll down, choose hetzer)

i favorize the third in the mid/late hetzer section!
Wow Mike, that is of course and as always great! I can only hope to get that skil - you need to tell me what you are building so I will know to NOT build that particular item any time soon!
Thanks Chris! Just trying to keep up with you!
Thank you, Bob! I appreciate the support!
Thanks for the link, Laura! I agree with you, that's a good looking scheme.

I like this one too.

Luiz, I am glad to have you following along, as your Panzer IV has been one I follow closely! In that spirit, here is my view...



Not nearly as exotic or interesting as the South Pole, but almost 80 degrees F here today!

Bruce, in the words of a wise and famous American modeler "I learned most of it here, on this forum". I am flattered, but if you decided to build something similar to mine, because of something you learned from me, that would be awesome! Thank you!
Looking great Mike! The first camo scheme has a thin outline of brown around the green, don't foget that if you choose that one!

Wow what a yard! my dogs wouldn't know how to act with all that running room....I wouldn't either :lol:

Wow Mike It's really coming along. Laura sure sent you a couple of nice schemes for an Autobahn kruser !

Don'd worry Tim rhey would know exactly what to do. They would not even ask.

Christian B)