Guys , once again, thank you for your kind words.
It is a big model project and I still have a long way to go .
I think this is way bigger than the dragon wagon because the trailer is in 3 individual components and there is a lot more work on the famo trailer than the D/W trailer.
I was surprised to see so many decals on the tractor unit. This would be the hardest thing by far building the trailer .I suppose the easiest way would be to paint and mask it and I took the difficult way. :facepalm :laugh:
Here are the tools of the trade of what I use for decaling all my vehicles .
first : spray gloss on the area where the decal is to go and then use warm water , paintbrush to position the decal onto the model. use tissue paper to soak any water away from the decal so it sucks the decal flat onto the model . Then flat clear once done.I use Testers dullcote for most of my flat clearing.
Here is the final appearance .
the tractor unit was toned down from earlier washes .
blue tac had been placed over the headlamps for the paint and wash section.More work to be done to the tilt over the cab .
Upper deck painted with Mig Ammo Dark grey base and Humbrol 63 for the Timber appearance .
A dark pin wash by Mig (DARK WASH)was added to bring out the depth in the timber on the trailer bed.
On the underside of the trailer I used the Tamiya earth effects mixed with Tamiya thinners broken down .
Gives a really good soil appearance .This will be painted with Tamiya earth to bring out the detail.
I moved my attention on creating a better looking tarp for the Famo .
Here I painted with Mig Ammo Olive green to give like a worn canvas appearance .
Highlighling the ridges of the tarp with Olivegreen and a mix of dark yellow
I used Mig (Dark Wash)as a pin wash mixed and broken down with 502 Abetelung thinners.By doing this it flows quicker along the recess.
applied in the recesses and once dry I highlighted again with the mix of olive green and dark yellow to show a slightly worn appearance on the raised edges.
Slowly getting to the end of the tractor unit and I used black ink to seep into the tow cable .
Great for adding depth in detail once the cable is highlighted with a steel colour .
The driver had the neck area dremelled out and a hornet head test fitted .
The next stage is the figure painting .Wow , 6 months since last painting a figure.:pinch:
I think I can do it :hmmm
Till next time .
I hope you enjoy the pics ,happy modelling :v :cheer:
Michael :drinks