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Strachwitz's Panzerbefehlswagen III Ausf. K


Look at what Jenny wrote before on using foil. Gently remove the Royal fenders and attach them to the kit they were designed for.

OK, now this is what I did a long time ago. Being frugal (actually broke back then) I used some medium thickness aluminum from a restaurant take out container and cut it into strips.

This was placed over the pattern I needed (in my case it is the now long OOP Elefant Pz III replacement fender plates). I taped the sides to the pattern and rubbed them. The tape was added after becoming REALLY frustrated when the foil kept moving and messing up the impression. So, learn from my experience.

I did not fill the bottom of the fender since it had the reverse dimple effect I wanted. I found photo-etch runner left overs which I bent into L channels (you can do this with sheet plastic or ready made profile plastic from Plastruct or Evergreen). I made new fender frames a section at a time. This was glued to the kit then the fender plates added.

PM me, I may have something but I need to check.

In the meantime, work on the turret so the time invested is too much for you to DARE throw it against the wall!

there are no fenders on the hull any more to glue anything on them! the molded on fenders are cut away so that i could mount the pe fenders and they are too far away from the hull!

i have no plastic pz3 fenders in the spares box and how the hull with the pe fenders look now is unacceptable!

i'll decide tomorrow what i will do! i swore to myself not to continue builds that i don't enjoy and this kit has all joy consumed at the moment! the only chance i see is to cannibalize either my stug3 f/8 or my sig33 - and that would be another risky surgery!

nah! at the moment this kit can feel lucky if it won't get a flying lesson!
I may have spare fenders in my stash as many got the AM treatment. This gives you a second chance at worst. At best, I may have exactly what you need for it.

thanks saúl but pe fenders are the only option left! and since i had them assembled i had to find a way to mount them!

and i found a way! i was about to put this kit away and gave it a last chance! i ripped the fenders away, trimmed down the mounting brackets, drilled holes to insert a wire and remounted them! now they aren't beauties anymore but about 2mm closer to the hull and fit! crooked and banged up but at least in place where they should be!

needless to say that all the mounting brackets broke to pieces while doing all that surplus surgery ...

agonoize was my companion while this action since this issue made me really angry and aggressive - Agonoize - Der Letzte Kreuzzug



at least i can continue with this build!

That is a great looking save there from a difficult corner. This is going to be a great looking kit when you are finished with it. So please don't give up.

And Agonize is waaaay cool. Thanks for showing them to me :cheer:

Gary B)

I am very glad you saved it so...I won't mention the spare Elefant Pz III tread plates I found.

urfp! eduard pe kills me! i have the feeling that it already bends when i look at it!

some parts my clumsiness couldn't handle so i had to go with the plastic from the kit! some parts i could handle - antenna trough mounts - but after attaching i noticed that the trough interfered with the turret so i had to replace the mounts with the kit provided!

i also repaired a major mistake done due to my incompetency - i had glued both spare wheel supports to the LHS fender while on the Ausf. J respectilvely Ausf. K they were mounted on both fenders!

but i managed to finish the RHS fender! that tool box has 9 pe parts - only the box! :blink

i'm glad that it's done and move on to the LHS fender!

Velvet Acid Christ - Caustic Disco


pe still is a challenge to me but this is a good training exercise for my next build with voyager pe treatment!

Hi Laura,

Nice clean build sofar, the fenders do look great, it was worth the wait! Can't wait to see the next update!

Cool andclean work Laura, I lek it very much.

Keep posting please, I love the panzer III variants.

Cheers B)
Well Laura your model looks pretty good. You do really good job.

Terry B)
Nice save Laura , patience and a few imbibables [ and in my case a ciggy ] makes for figuring things out !!!

The fenders look good the pe work good and your good to go on paint !!
thanks a lot dudes! your words are very encouraging! :cheer:

jose luis lopez wrote:
I really envy the way you assemble kits ....

gluing on each and every pe part at least three times? you surely do not envy that jose! ;)

Peter Bibby wrote:
The advantage of delicate fingers perhaps :hmmm

what delicate fingers? :blink more watchmaker tweezers i'd say but still the pics don't really show all the flaws that are visible in RL!

whatever ... it's always the same - as soon as i come to the end of a build i get used to work with specific pe like eduard in this case! :blink

and the neverending epic story of laura's pe blunders continues - this time that ominous box on the LHS fender! when is the ca bond perfect and rock solid? when the glued on part interferes with another and has to be ripped away again of course! that box interfered with the antenna trough and i had to carefully realign everything, replace one of the trough mounts or it would have been too angled and interfered with the turret, the antenna mount was too high for the antenna to fit in the trough properly (although glued exactly in place where the marking was) and so on, and so on, and so on ...

but i made a good progress yesterday and can move on to the turret soon! not much left on the chassis! horray, horray!

i was in the mood for Cyborg Attack - Dunkle Visionen this time to declare war on the pe!

