Re:Something really different Update August 9, 2010
I managed to get a little done on this project over the weekend. This part is going slow because the "Sunroom", a huge sunroom is the entire ground floor of the left wing of the mansion. It will be lit and visible from outside the building so it must be finished and furnished! I began by "Dry walling the interior walls, and started finishing out the window frames. Also, I had to correct the rear of this wing as I learned there was a deck off the second floor when I drove by a couple of weeks ago.
Then I cut a piece of corrugated cardboard to the exact size of the floor. Then I fitted some evergreen tiles to fit that, and glued them together.
Then, made certain of the fit. The gap to the right of the screen is for the rear wall, the sides fit flush against the main building wall.
Then I gave the entire floor a coat of flat back. After drying, I gave it a cloud pattern of dark gray, here and there, at random.
I mixed up a combination of flat white enamel and gloss green acrylic paint. This is the same way I do for patinas on statues, etc. I use this because the two paints will never mix thoroughly, thus it creates the exact effect I need. Then thin it down with thinner and alcohol. I use a wide soft paint brush that I have thinned with thinning shears. Dip it into the solution and make a few practice swatches on an old piece of cardboard. If done properly, it will "Vein" when it hits the black tile I usually do several coats, letting each dry first. I hold the brush in one hand and then strike it with a finger to propel it randomly onto the tiles.
Here is an example of the patina on Napoleon's statue in the square,
...And then, this shadowbox was made with the exact same system with slightly different shades of colors. It really is quite effective! I discovered both of these techniques while building The Winds of War, way back in the 70s.
This was the first run.
I gave this one three coats. Then allow to dry to the point of lightly sanding it to make it all blend together. Be careful to not sand too hard or use anything but a fine grit, as it will sand the base coat off.
Then after sanding, I use 1/64th inch light gray tape. Chartpak is the brand and it comes in dozens of colors and sizes. I use it like grouting in real tile. Once in that groove and stretched tight, then wrapped on both ends to the cardboard underneath, it will be there long after I am gone!
Then I gave the entire floor two coats of polyurethane clear gloss.
I placed it inside the walls of the left wing to dry overnight. I will assemble the floors and the walls tomorrow. With the seven very large windows in this wing, it will be very visible, especially in the dark with the lights on.
The last shot shows the alterations I had to do to accommodate the second floor sun deck.
More as it moves along!