A Step by Step Christmas Present
I am calling this project, "Simpatico"
If you have read the thread, “Bob’s New Daughter”, then you have all the information to understand what this is about. If not,
The first time I saw my daughter in person was in March, this year, in Springfield, Missouri. I met her and we spent the day getting to know each other, just driving around and comparing notes on both our backgrounds.
When we were in the eastern part of town, I remembered a house that I had loved all my life since a kid. She then said she had one too that was in this area. I started driving in the general direction and she began describing the house. Long story short, Same house. Her birthday is in December and I had planned to build her a Chinese pagoda, another common interest. Then It occurred to me how perfect it would be to instead build a model of that house for her.
Susan and I went down to visit again from the 7th through the 12th of May. While there, I snapped about a hundred pictures of the house from all angles. Below are a few. The SBS is also unique to the masterclass in this respect. All previous masterclass threads have been posted after completion of the project.
I have thought about that as opposed to the normal threads. This will be a project over time as the build progresses. Kind of an experiment to see if this will work in masterclass as well as it does in the other build threads. Who knows? I never said I was Einstein! Here are the pics of the house and grounds I will attempt to replicate.
The property takes up at least half a city block, has tennis courts, swimming pool and several out buildings. Is it the greatest mansion in the world? Of course not. But it is a beautiful, magnificent piece of architecture, far beyond my price range. I intend to include everything, maybe not quite all the trees, but it will have enough to simulate the feel. A few of the challenges in doing this is first, the unique stonework. Then the brick on the front has been laid in a parquet chevron pattern. Neither of these are available in scale commercial sheets, at least that I know of, so both will have to be made from scratch. I am using a 2' X 4' base, so it will be large enough to show the details. I have a little less than seven months to complete, so I have to get moving on it.
My plans are to build this step by step and post each one as it progresses both on my website and here on Tanks and Things.com. I am fairly confident I can have it done in the time allowed, providing nothing serious happens in the interim.
Since I only have known of her existence approaching 6 months, she has inspired me to many off the wall things I have never before attempted, like…… writing a poem?? Guess it is all just part of being a father. Who knows what’s next?
I know, it isn't military, but the building techniques are identical. I hope this will interest members.