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Russian Khaki grey


Master at Arms
Im doing my Russian Evolution figure but I cant seem to find a good colour match for the Russian great coat so I was wondering if anyone had any good info on

M43 Russian greatcoats

Now I have been, in vain I may add, googlings this problem but to no avail

Heres the box art and the coat looks a lightish grey but,.....


Image posted for discussion only
I found this, maybe some help, page 42 have a pic of a coat like that.
Greetings Mats
I gotta wonder if it's not something like Olive Drab, just so may tones and shades that anything could count.
Not sure if this will help since they are reproduction uniforms but here you go

This one in particular looks like the one on your figure

As far as a color match from what I've seen they seem to range all over the place from an olive drab like Bob said all the way to a neutral gray color. I think the best bet would just go with what looks best to you. With Russia making so many uniforms in so many factories at the time who is to say you'd be wrong with what you pick.
Wonderful !!!! thank you fella`s

those pics are right what I was after I do like that grey colouring

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