I have got the sides on and most of the top
You can see the fit is a fit slack and by the time i got the engine covers on i had pushed myself to the limits of my skills.
I have used a small amount of filler and will need a bit more.
The problem is what i think they call "over engineering"
the basic kit has a lot of parts on the top to allow for different engines on different versions etc. This means the top section is made up of 14 parts that all need to fit together. The locators on each part are a bit vague and its easy to get a part out of line. Do that by 10th of a mm on partt one and you are a whole 1mm out by part ten
the answer is dont add each part to the model as per instructions., build the engine covers section separate and then fit the whole lot to the model as per pic 1 and 2 above.
i never know how far to go before getting the paint out
the further i go now the more masking i will need to do.
I am hoping to have the nose section panels open to reveil the radios but i yet to find a good picture to work from..
Likewise i hope to have the tail folded and i found a picture for that but not sure its within my scratch build capabilities.