As a specially trained A/P Elf, on Santa's new, very swift, and technically advanced Sleigh. I wore my Claus Hat. The direct line is in the poof ball. Bells jingle when The Big Red Man calls.
Don's carefully examining a huge bottle CACKALACKY Sweet Sauce made by the good people at the Cheerwine company. We ain't never see'd such a thang, round these here parts. An unnamed generous and awesome friend in the Sunny South shipped, at his own great expense, a bottle fer mysailf and one for Don during this season of Giving. IT'S GOOD!! I'm tryin' mine out Sunday. Next Sunny Southern Car-ride, I'm bringing a sizable Truck!
During this solitary Christmas season, I have found the true meaning of "Christmas Giving" with the help of many of my treasured, beloved, Brethren.

(you know WHO you are!)

As I seek some "Neutral" and untwist from recent personal events, It brought me much happiness to bring The Adorable Abby a present, in appreciation for her bright, sweet, effervescent, kindnesses. It was as much fun to give the gift, not unlike other gifts so far, as it might have been to receive any presents of my own.
These woods are lovely, Dark & deep. I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep. :salute