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Mirage IIIO * * F I N I S H E D * *


Well-known member
Back in April or perhaps earlier I dragged this on to the bench, and spent a couple of hours on it, then boxed it all back-up and went back to whatever I was supposed to be building !! - Today it came back out and this time, I'll actually finish the bl**dy thing !!





You'll have figured from the title, I've not yet decided whether to finish it as a French 'E' or an Australian 'O', truth is, I'll not know until the very last moment, both schemes have their own merits, so you're just going to have to bare with me. As the Crusader is my main focus just now, this wee thing will just 'tick-over' in the background, so not too many updates.

Thanks for taking the time to look and/or comment.


Mirage IIIE or O


Glad I could help by being a bad influence.....I mean small inspiration. :tomato
Mirage IIIE or O

Looking forward to this one. I have always liked the clean line of the Mirage (y)

Cheers, Christian B)
Mirage IIIE or O

:hmmm A Kfir in drag!! (y) Let 'er rip Ian. Toss a coin on which scheme to do, that's what I did on my Kfir :drinks
Mirage IIIE or O

Primed with acrylic 'off black', then filled with 'Green Stuff'. Rubbed back with wet'n dry and a lot of water. Next second 'primer' of Tamiya 'Neutral Grey' and re-fill, sand blend and swear. Finally a last coat of 'Neutral Grey' and we're ready for paint.

Off and on, four-and-a-half hours work. Not too bad for a kit that dates back to the very late 1970's or early 1980's.





More in a moment.

Mirage IIIE or O

Starboard side was no better...





I did mention that this was a 'fun build' didn't I :hmmm

Mirage IIIE or O

Somewhat surprisingly the underside wasn't too bad:



All better now and ready for paint sometime next week.


Mirage IIIE or O

Sounds like a lot of work to me , which is the reason I'm not found of cars anymore .

Looking good in the end .

Cheers, Christian B)
Mirage IIIE or O

Zoom baby! May not be fun but it's therapeutic ain't it? :popcorn

;) You idea of "therapy" and mine are not the same, Bob !! - Back to the F-15 next for more building, then the Crusader for pre-shading.

Stay tuned.

Mirage IIIO - Paint

Paint has occurred:



First out of the can was the lower grey - I've used Xtracolour enamel ADC Grey, perhaps a shade or two too dark when compared to the original, but very close... 'course I forgot to take a photo, so you're going to have to trust me. After waiting 48hrs I masked it away and shot three lightish coats of Xtracolour 'Olivegrun' from the post-war Luftwaffe palate. Very close to the dark olive that the Aussies were using in the 1980's.

After another 48hr wait I masked only the fuselage with Blu-Tack 'sausages' and sprayed three light coats of 'Bassaltgrau' - essentially I've used the same two camouflage tones as you'll find on an Alpha Jet or an F-4F !!



More soon, standby
