Thanks for the comments!
More airbrushing earlier today, the RLM 81 scribble was painted on the fuselage and engine nacelles.
But before any RLM 81 was added I decided to rework the paint on the sides of the engine nacelles, after looking carefully at the photographs of the full size aircraft the RLM 82 green I sprayed on yesterday had too dense of a scribble so I went over the RLM 82 with a scribble of RLM 76 and doing that toned the green down nicely without totally erasing it.
Below is an unused drop tank from a 1/32 scale Bf 109 that I use as a paint mule, before a speck of RLM 81 touched the Me 262 I did some practice scribble on the drop tank to make sure the airbrush was going to behave...if I were to have a problem at this stage of painting it would have meant re-spraying parts of the model to correct it, better to test spray on something like the drop tank and save a bunch of needless work.

On the RLM 76 painted surface the RLM 81 looks to be more green than brown. :idonno
But when the very same paint was sprayed over the RLM 82 green it looks brown like it should.
I will paint the wings next before gluing the engine nacelles to the wing, there will no doubt be some small touch-ups needed to blend the paint together on the parts but that should be easy to do...much easier this way than trying to paint the scribble with the engine nacelles glued to the wing. Ditto with the stabilizers.
The engine nacelles are just pressed in for dry fitting.
A picture with the color removed, this a good way to check the camouflage painted on the model against photographs of the real thing, it looks okay so far even though the model has a glossy surface.