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Messerschmitt Me 262 double build.

Great airbrushing control,Les!...the idea of painting the engines naceles in separate looks great :eek:ldguy

Congratulations for the squeme :good:

Thanks for the comments!

More airbrushing earlier today, the RLM 81 scribble was painted on the fuselage and engine nacelles.

But before any RLM 81 was added I decided to rework the paint on the sides of the engine nacelles, after looking carefully at the photographs of the full size aircraft the RLM 82 green I sprayed on yesterday had too dense of a scribble so I went over the RLM 82 with a scribble of RLM 76 and doing that toned the green down nicely without totally erasing it.
Below is an unused drop tank from a 1/32 scale Bf 109 that I use as a paint mule, before a speck of RLM 81 touched the Me 262 I did some practice scribble on the drop tank to make sure the airbrush was going to behave...if I were to have a problem at this stage of painting it would have meant re-spraying parts of the model to correct it, better to test spray on something like the drop tank and save a bunch of needless work. :eek:ldguy


On the RLM 76 painted surface the RLM 81 looks to be more green than brown. :idonno

But when the very same paint was sprayed over the RLM 82 green it looks brown like it should.


I will paint the wings next before gluing the engine nacelles to the wing, there will no doubt be some small touch-ups needed to blend the paint together on the parts but that should be easy to do...much easier this way than trying to paint the scribble with the engine nacelles glued to the wing. Ditto with the stabilizers.
The engine nacelles are just pressed in for dry fitting.


A picture with the color removed, this a good way to check the camouflage painted on the model against photographs of the real thing, it looks okay so far even though the model has a glossy surface.


Many thanks!

Whilst the paint fully dries on the Me 262A-2a I started painting the Me 262A-1a.

This Me 262 is being put in the markings of ''yellow 3'' of III./KG(j)54, it had what looks like a really thin coat of a single camouflage color painted on it and some of the filler putty could barely be seen through the paint. I attempted to replicate this feature on my model and was not trying to fade the paint. As the end of the war neared paint was getting scarce and in order to stretch the supplies of what little paint was still available many aircraft were being painted with over-thinned paints, some aircraft received no camouflage paint at all! :blink





Those brown patches on the rear fuselage are where the old style four character markings were painted out and the aircraft was remarked as ''yellow 3''.

That is outstanding Les! I'm looking forward to "Yellow 3" as well. I just finished reading "A Higher Calling" and I believe if memory serves me; "Yellow 3" was the mount for Franz Stigler, the Me-109 pilot that escorted Charlie Brown's shot-up B-17 out to sea instead of shooting him down. It was either that or "White 3".

Looking forward to more....
Thanks for looking guys!

What kind of Luftwaffe helicopter are working on? Just kidding of course. ;)

Without digging into my books I feel that the pilot of the ''yellow 3'' I am modeling was not piloted by Franz Stigler. My ''yellow 3'' was flown by KG(j)54 which was a unit formed to teach former bomber pilots how to fly fighter aircraft and learn combat tactics. Franz Stigler was a very experienced pilot and would likely not have been associated with the KG(j) units.
I have been searching the net for any new information on ''yellow 3'' and so far the pilot of this aircraft is unknown.

Later today I should have new in-progress pictures posted...and there has been some good progress too. :)

Excellent information. It might be possible he flew with them since he was an instructor pilot; even on these Swallows. Still, this confirms that he did indeed fly "White 3" in combat. I'll have to go back and read that book again, particularly near the end when he talks of his days with Galland's outfit. He actually stole an Me-2626 from the factory to join up with this group!
Thank you Gary!

Its unlikely Franz Stigler had anything to do with KG(j)54. Keep in mind that Franz Stigler was the technical officer of JV 44 and his job was to collect aircraft and equipment for the unit which turned out to be a real P.I.T.A. because other Luftwaffe units were ordered to not assist JV 44 in any way so aircraft pretty much had to taken wherever they could be found, the same with ground equipment and personnel.
Galland had several enemies in the Luftwaffe including Goring and Gollob, Gollob took over for Galland as General of the Fighters and made sure Galland had a tough time getting JV 44 operational.

The basic camouflage scheme has been painted on both Me 262's. Some minor painting remains for unit markings but that will be a quick job and when that's done Future can be sprayed on.







Me 262A-2a with color removed from the image.


Here is a photograph of ''yellow 3'' at an aircraft scrapyard postwar.

