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Meng Models World War Toons Sherman M4A1 COMPLETE!

Meng Models World War Toons Sherman M4A1

Thanks,guys! You are all too kind. More touch ups to come, hoping the weathering will tone it down some.
Meng Models World War Toons Sherman M4A1

Thank you, my friends! I took a week's vacation and it's been overcast and rainy since Monday, so I've hit the bench! I've actually been juggling four (yes, four)builds and since I'm at that hurry up and wait stage, I clear coated the Sherman in preparation for decals. The Meng kit decals are really thin, so you need to pay attention or they will fold up on you in a blink. Here we are so far.




I wasn't thrilled with the eyes, so I masked an area and shot OD over the outsides. Much better, in my opinion. The tracks were shot with Tamiya Dark Brown and dry brushed with black, I'll dirty them up after I flat coat the hull. Tools are painted and ready to install. Sneaking up on this one. :mpup

Thanks for coming by!

Meng Models World War Toons Sherman M4A1

"Get Some"......I like it.

Meng Models World War Toons Sherman M4A1

Thanks guys! From our weekend road trip.


Meng Models World War Toons Sherman M4A1

I've been playing in the dirt.





There's two things in this world that don't lie, the camera lens and yoga pants. I've got touch up to do for sure, but getting closer.

Thanks for coming by.

Meng Models World War Toons Sherman M4A1

So you like it? :rotf

Every time I pick it up, I have to give it a tap when I set it down. The crazy thing rocks, literally! :rotf
This one is done, what a hoot to build!





Thanks for following along!

Meng Models World War Toons Sherman M4A1 COMPELTE!

I was expecting the finish to be more eggshell than flat. :pp :tomato

Nicely done Mike! (y) (y) (y)