well i really did my best but this has beaten me.
This is the rear light assembly.
the one on the right is shaped and tapered to fit the recess in the body and doesnt look to bad. The one on the left is just another right had side one fitted upside down and simply doesnt fit. They did the same on the front.
Th body fits ok to the front
Some idea of the size with a 1/32 biplane
And a mock up of how it would have looked with someone better than me in command.
Note the 3 cans of spray i used and the 3 different shades of blue.
Pluss points
The engine and detail fits well
The body parts also fit quite well for instance the doors do fit as does the hood
There is enough in the box to work with and detail up
Down side.
The chrome work is poor, my guess is its a production issues from 60 years ago that we have got used to being sorted these days
The glass is as above, its just doesnt even start to fit. Given how well the basic panels fit i think this is again is an issue they couldn't fix all those years ago.
Is there an excuse to reissue this 60 years later with the same faults that with a modern cad program and a few hours could have been fixed ?
Given how important to a car like this the chrome parts are i think it should have been fixed especially given the price
In summery if you removed all the glass and chrome ,what you have left is a reasonable kit. This explains why most build on the web are race cars and convertible soft top conversions.
In fairness to me giving up, i was building this, like the rather more successful Bugatti i did to auction off for a charity.. Put simply its not up to a sell and its not something i would otherwise have built so a car enthusiast might well be more driven to do a good job than me.
hope this helps someone else who attempts the build......make it a race care