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Maddog Manufacturing 2014 Aircraft Production Line

Duke Maddog

Well-known member
Happy New Year and welcome to the newest edition of Maddog Manufacturing's newest aircraft works in progress for the year 2014. I got a slightly slow start, but then I'm trying to get caught up on a couple of older models that have been sitting around for far too long.

This is my Yak 28 that I finally took down; sanded off the cracked paint until it was smooth, and then coated the whole thing with Future. After the Future dried, I shot another coat of Tamiya bare Metal Silver over this. There's still a few blemishes, but I'm sick of this thing still sitting on my workbench, so I'm moving on. Here it is all ready for decals:


Speaking of decals, I finally got up the nerve to start applying the decals to my DC-6 Super Cloudmaster. I started with the tail colored decals and then moved on to the fuselage. You can see that the nose does not want to sit down. Later I'll try to apply some decal softener to see if it'll lay down without very many wrinkles. I'm also going to see about getting that same orange color in paint to see if I can use it to touch up anything that needs it. I already do need to touch up one decal that lost a part of itself on the tail when I bumped this thing.

Here it is so far. I stopped here because I want to apply a clear coat over these before I go on. I'll probably cover this thing at least three times in clear coats before I am done:



Over on the Armored Fury Forums you'll see my armor side of the factory, feel free to check it out for my latest Ground Vehicles under construction

And that is the start of my New Year's aircraft model production. More to come soon. I'm trying to get as much done as I can before I start my next job on the 6th of January. Can't wait!

Meanwhile, thanks for looking in; comments are welcome.
Okay, another small update for this week....

I managed to fix the Yak 28 where the paint had cracked, and afterwards, I applied the decals:


Now I can clearcoat this again, then do a more satin finish before adding the landing gear and other detail parts.

Next I decaled the ancient Airfix CH-53G that I'm doing in German markings. This was an experiment that taught me something: usually I add decal film to the older decal sets especially from ESCI, Airfix and MPC. Well, this time I didn't. On all the other decals precoated with decal film (ostensibly to keep them from shattering) I had the worst time getting them to lay down and stay in place. They would always peel and curl away. Even Solvaset wouldn't lay them down.

This time, I put the decals on without the decal film and they went on like Cartograf decals! So smooth and no sign of cracking or shattering! Check it out:


It is missing the two rotor blades on the tail rotor. I'm going to keep building this until I finish it and then I'll worry about those stupid blades.

That's all I have for now. Thanks all for looking in; comments are welcome.
Thanks Hubert! Now that my job is finished, I'll have a little more time to build before the next one starts.
And now for the latest from Maddog Manufacturing. This weekend I was able to get a lot of work done at St. Crispin's Hobby Day. I'll start with the aircraft I've been working on that has been giving me a fight. This is my Yak 26 interceptor that is finally on it's landing gear:



It was still wet when these pics were taken so I've got it sitting up on a bottle until they are solid enough to hold this plane. Now for some touch up painting and then adding the armament and this will be done.

I got a lot more done on several of my armor models. Feel free to check out my progress in Armored Fury

And that was my latest work on all my aircraft models so far. I hope you enjoyed this tour. Thanks for stopping in, comments are welcome.
Here is my one of two aircraft I was able to work on. The other one was finished. You can see it in this Forum here.

This is the old MPC CH 53G that I made German. The main rotors got finished here. You can see how big they are!


Here's a mockup of the CH-53G with the main rotors on and ready for dullcoat:


Well, that's now done. You can see the finished... or rather 'finished as far as it can be right now'...pics here in the Wesendorf Field.

I also made some progress on my armor models too. Feel free to check them out in Armored Fury. Meanwhile, thanks for looking in, comments are welcome.
Thanks guys! Yeah, I never knew they had them either until I got this kit. Turns out they got them soon after the US Marines did.

Yeah, those blades are huge, makes this thing hard to place anywhere... :blink
Okay, I've had a great week this past week with plenty of time to work on my models; especially at Hobby Day. This is going to be a bit of a lengthy update spread over two Forums, so keep all arms and legs inside the tram while it's moving and enjoy the tour!

Let's go to the Maddog Manufacturing's Hanger first. Later if you wish, you can join the armor tour in the Armored Fury Forum.

I'll start with a model that has been sitting for awhile. This was supposed to be a simple build, but I misjudged this Eduard kit. This is the 1/72 scale L-39 that I've been working on and I just couldn't seem to get past the cockpit! Now I am, as you can see in this pic:


I'd forgotten to get a picture of it before I closed it up inside the fuselage; I was just so happy to have the cockpit done!

Here is the fuselage all closed up finally:


I've already tried test-fitting the main wings; this is gonna give me problems.

Next I decided to try and practice some bare metal finish some more. So, I pulled out this 1/72 scale Hasegawa F-86 in Japanese markings that I found in the stash. It's a simple enough kit that I hope to complete quickly so I can try again to do a good bare metal finish on it. Here is the cockpit and the main wing all assembled so far:


Next I painted the cockpit and then applied the decals:


Now that is all set aside to dry.

The next aircraft I started was a 1/72 scale Hasegawa F-4 Phantom II in Iranian markings that I got at the IPMS Nationals in Colorado. This is being done for the Out of Box Group Build on these Forums.

Naturally, I started with the cockpit, and also glued the four pieces together for the nose cone:


I then painted and decaled the cockpit of this model:



Next I assembled the rear fuselage of this plane:


Later on I'll get the cockpit closed up in the forward fuselage and put the forward and rear fuselage assemblies together.

That's all for my aircraft so far. Now lets head to the armor assembly line in the Armored Fury Forum...

Thanks for stopping in and I hope you enjoyed the hanger tour. Comments are always welcome.
Well, it's been awhile and I have yet to post my progress from the previous week. Since I'll be leaving for a week and a half and may not even have internet access during that time, I'm posting this all now. Now, on with the tour....

We'll start in the Hanger where I started a new aircraft. I realized some time back that I've never built a Gloster Meteor, so when a friend at my IPMS meeting was selling some old Frog kits, I pulled out a Meteor (among others) and later on decided to get it started:


There was no cockpit to speak of in this old kit, so I put the pilot in his seat, added the seat to the floorboard and then closed everything up (including some nose weights) inside the fuselage:


I had also glued the wings together and dry-fit the tail planes on.

Next I was working on my Fujimi Japanese F-86 that I was hoping to make into a decent looking mode with potentially the smoothest BMF yet to date. I may have just given up on that, considering how difficult the fit of this beastie is. If you look closely, you can see where I had to carve out a section in the canopy rail/cockpit deck in order to fit in the pilot seat and still let this thing close properly:


On the bottom, you can see how the cockpit assembly fit cause the wing to be difficult to glue in. Here you see where I glue the rear portion of the wing assembly to the fuselage:


Once it was dry, I glue the other end so that it all fit flush. Then I moved on....

My next model was one that still gave me as much trouble. I'd never built an Eduard kit before this, but I was expecting better. Here the fuselage is all glued together and the wings are added on:


You can see how much trouble that wing root is gonna give me....

Well, that's all I have so far. It will be awhile until the next update; I have alot of cleanup to do in my Hobby Room after the earthquake over the next couple days. Then I'm heading out to Florida for the funeral of a very good friend on Monday. I expect to be back in California a week and two days from Monday.

Meanwhile, thanks for looking in, comments are welcome and will be responded to before I leave. If I have a chance to check in while in Florida; I'll post then. Also, feel free to check out my latest armor progress in the Armored Fury.