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Maddog Manufacturing 2014 Aircraft Production Line

Thanks guys. Dave, I am thrilled to finally have my camera, especially since it took an extra week and a half to get it!

MP, I buffed out all the scratches, but you're right. I'll try shooting another Glass Black on it. Maybe someday I'll get that right so I can actually start laying some Alclad.
I have built a couple of the HobbyBoss EZ assembly kits before and even though they are designed for beginning modelers they require just as much effort to prepare the models surface for painting as a regular model kit.
Also the surface detail is good in some places but in other places has a rough pebbly texture which would make getting a good NMF difficult.

Thanks Matrix. The issues I had with this F-86 was that the hole for the nose cone was too small so when I tried to 'snap' it in, the side of the fuselage broke. Other than that, this has gone together fairly well. I do now have a smoother surface on it and will be trying to shoot another basecoat of gloss black on it today. Maybe for once things will go better, but knowing my luck and skill level, I doubt it.
Like my Academy Sabre the nose intake ring was a shocker, seemed like a 1/47th instead of a 48th.

Got to convert you Alclad guys to Mr Metal paints one day!!

Heaps of builds going on there Duke, nice going (y)
I ran into similar fit problems with the two EZ assembly kits I built, some of the parts needed a great deal of force to press together and I ended up doing some carving and sanding for a better fit.
Not really true EZ assembly kits after all, and I don't think a beginning modeler would enjoy the experience but then again maybe the two kits I built were some of the worst fitting in that line of kits. :idonno
One thing I do like about them is the low price of the kits, when they were first released I bought a number of them and had plans for building them so I could use up some of the unused markings I had leftover from various aftermarket decal sheets and the low cost of these kits made them very attractive for that reason...I did not know back then that these kits require just as much effort to build as regular kits and would not have bought as many as I did had I known. ;)

Thanks for the replies guys!

Phil, what are Mr. Metal paints? I'm leery of starting something new, especially if it is expensive (Alclad certainly is, but I got a great deal on a lot of it so it's being used.) I guess with Model Master paints being messed up again by the manufacturer I may have to look for new resources.

Yeah, Matrix, I definitely was surprised by that "Easy Build" model. I've experienced some of the WWII-era aircraft and they seem to go together fairly well, but their jets so far have not been pleasant. Still, this one is coming along better than the two Hasegawa models I started so I'm moving along on it. I have shot another coat of gloss black on this Sabre and it is looking far better now.

Stay tuned more to come.
And now for another update....

The first thing I was to apply liquid decal film to the two sheets of decals on my Navy aircraft:


The next day, I got the decals applied to my two Navy aircraft:




That fuselage band was real hard to get lined up! Wow!


You can see how badly they silvered; and they even started curling up on the Bearcat as you can see in the pics. I hit both of these with a good dose of Solvaset to hold them down and things look a lot better now.

Next I masked off the F-111 and the F-4 Phantom with my Silly Putty:



Afterwards, as the Solvaset was drying on the other two, I shot a coat of Medium Green on these two aircraft:



Next I need to add more masking and then shoot the final coat on these two and then I can clearcoat and decal them. I can't wait!

And finally, another coat of Gloss Black on the F-86. Closer, but still no cigar:


Well, that's about all I have for now in aircraft. I also got a lot done on some armor, feel free to go check it out in my Armored Fury Thread. Maybe next week I can report a few of these as finished. Meanwhile, thanks for looking in, comments are welcome.
And now for another update....

The first thing I was to apply liquid decal film to the two sheets of decals on my Navy aircraft:


The next day, I got the decals applied to my two Navy aircraft:




That fuselage band was real hard to get lined up! Wow!


You can see how badly they silvered; and they even started curling up on the Bearcat as you can see in the pics. I hit both of these with a good dose of Solvaset to hold them down and things look a lot better now.

Next I masked off the F-111 and the F-4 Phantom with my Silly Putty:



Afterwards, as the Solvaset was drying on the other two, I shot a coat of Medium Green on these two aircraft:



Next I need to add more masking and then shoot the final coat on these two and then I can clearcoat and decal them. I can't wait!

And finally, another coat of Gloss Black on the F-86. Closer, but still no cigar:


Well, that's about all I have for now in aircraft. I also got a lot done on some armor, feel free to go check it out in my Armored Fury Thread. Maybe next week I can report a few of these as finished. Meanwhile, thanks for looking in, comments are welcome.

Good job on that decal Mark, I can't even get mask to work right on those spots.

Need to make sure you got a good glossy surface to take care of that silvering, try putting some gloss coats on it now and see if it tones it down. Score any airbubbles that might be there also.

Thanks Luiz and Dave! I appreciate the compliments. (y)

Thanks Pup. I did shoot the two Navy planes with a gloss coat before decaling them. After these pics were taken I'd scored the decals and applied a good amount of Solvaset. They are snuggling down very nicely now, and will hopefully look painted on once I shoot a second glosscoat. As for that blue strip, I wasn't even going to try to mask and paint that. This model is barely three inches long; besides, I still have to find that color blue to match the decals so I can paint the engine cowl. I purchased three different blues that looked close; hopefully one of them is a match.
Well, I've managed to put in some good time in the Hobby Room this past week and was able to move along quite well. This week, I'm closer to finishing a few more models; hopefully I'll be able to do that by the end of the week.

I'll start out with Gloss Coat Attempt No. 3...

Gloster Meteor:


F-86 Sabre:


This time I airbrushed on the Gloss Black to see if I could get a smoother coat. You can still see that despite my best efforts, I still managed to coat this with another orange peel flecked with dust and small bubbles.

I cannot catch a break!

That's it, I decided to work on something more simple. I pulled out the Bearcat and started on the landing gear and underwing stores:


Here they are attached to the model. All I have to do now is fix that stupid engine inside the cowl and re-attach the propeller:


After I do that, this bird will be done.

Moving on to something else that is much easier, I shot the yellow on my L-39 where it's indicated in the instructions:


Later on I checked it out to see how it looks:


Not bad. I still need to paint the nose black so the front tape is staying on for now.

Since I was spraying yellow, I also shot the top wing to my F4-B4 biplane. Once it's dry I'll be able to clearcoat it, apply the decals and mount this on the struts:


While that was drying, I tested the three different blues I'd bought to try and match the decal. It appears the True Blue is the closest color match:


The True Blue will be the one I use to paint the engine cowl.

Now on to the others. I spent a good amount of time masking and painting the camouflage patterns on my F-111 and F-4 Phantom. Here is the Aardvark after the second mask had gone on:


I then shot the third color (tan) over this bird and set it aside to dry:


While that was drying, I masked off and painted the F-4 Phantom. Here is the second mask and the green color:


...followed by the final mask and dark brown color:


Later on when they were dry, I removed the Silly Putty masking to see how well these two came out.

Here's the Aardvark:


...and here's the Phantom:


Here are the two of them clearcoated so that the camo pattern is protected from any further damage while I paint the details on these two aircraft:



I will also be applying the decals to these soon too.

Well, that brings me to the end of my account of my productive week this week. I was hoping to be a bit further along on some of these, but I'm happy with the progress I've made, including the work I did on my armor; seen in the Armored Fury Forum. Feel free to check it out over there. I hope you all enjoyed the show. Thanks all for looking in, comments are welcome.
Thanks Luiz! I'm just taking advantage of the time while I got it. I expect that soon it will all dry up and I want to get more models finished before it does.
Thanks Dave! It looks like I won't be able to finish this biplane model though. I went back to the box I'd placed the parts in and the box was empty! So, until I can find a donor kit or find the stupid parts; I won't be going any further on this after applying the decals to the upper wing. This really fries my eggs!! :vmad :vmad :vmad :bang head :bang head :bang head
This is my latest update showing everything I was able to get done this past week and a half. I'll start with my aircraft.

After finding my missing parts, I got all the major assemblies and the wheels done on the little F4 Biplane. The engine in this pic is still just dry fit in place since I still needed to paint the cowl:


Next, I applied the decals to the upper wing and then sealed them:


After that was dry, I glued the upper wing to the model. Again, the engine is just dry fit until the cowl can be painted:


And here is the cowl all painted up and set aside to dry:


Later on, when it was dry, I glued it on and touched up the model. You can see it in the Aircraft Forum along with my other two finished aircraft.

Speaking of my other finished aircraft, here is the third one I got finished with during this past week. This is after I applied the decals to it and just before I added the landing gear and underwing stores to finish it off:


I also managed to get a little further on my Iranian F-4 Phantom. I masked off and painted the nose cone, as well as the metallic tail surfaces:


Here it is after the masks were removed:


I was going to try to put the decals on this, but after looking at all the stencils; I decided to put that away until later.

Well, that's all I have for now. Feel free to check out the finished models in Wesendorf Field and the Armored Fury Forums.Thanks all for looking in, comments are welcome.
Thanks Bob! I had fun with that little Boeing. Yeah, it is small too! It's only about three inches or so long. Hopefully I'll have a few more do9ne soon.