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Maddog Manufacturing 2014 Aircraft Production Line

Thanks Warren! Yeah, I do have quite a bit going on here. I wanted to have as much done as I could get since it appears it's going to be awhile before I can get back to the bench.
Well, here we are with the latest update so far. All of the aircraft were done at Hobby Day this past weekend. This is a short update since all I did was get three of four aircraft to the painting stage. The fourth one is my Phantom which needs a repair to one of the ejection seats (since been completed), after which I'll add the canopy, mask it and have it ready for paint.

This first one is a Hasegawa 1/72 scale Australian Aardvark I've had sitting for far, far too long on my bench. Finally, I have the canopy on, wings installed, burner cans installed and now she's ready for paint:


Next is my ancient 1/72 scale Frog Gloster Meteor. This is the first ever Meteor I've ever built; now I have to get the WWII-era one. This will be bare metal finish:


Moving along to the first ever Eduard kit I've ever built; the 1/72 scale L-39 that will be in Iraqi markings. I finally (I hope!!) got the wing roots satisfactory enough to make this look smooth; it was real tough filling those gaps below the engine intakes:


Finally, the Iranian F-4 Phantom that needs the ejection seat fixed. Otherwise, I got the wings finished, the front fuselage/cockpit assembly is installed and the tail surfaces are on. Once I fix the ejection seat (already done) and paint the ejection seat handles; I'll be able to close up the canopy and mask it for painting:


Finally here is another look at the Pirate Ship I snapped together over my vacation, along with the sails I plan on putting on the masts. Maybe after that I just might rig it! I know it doesn't belong here in this Forum, unless you all decide to accept it as Captain Hook's flying Pirate Ship! :good:





Well, that's all I have for this short update; hopefully this week I'll be able to get some more models done.

Thanks for looking in, comments are welcome.
Well, I finally got time to sit down at the workbench and I still haven't gotten anything done; it's been one of those days where I've taken one step forward and two steps backward! Still, despite the setbacks, I have made some progress on a couple models. I'd have progressed far more if things had just gone a whole lot more smoothly! Oh well, without further ado, here are the latest and semi-greatest...

Two steps forward...

I managed to get two aircraft primed with grey primer and first inspection shows I did quite well in eliminating almost all seam issues. I primed the Australian Aardvark here:


...and the L-39 here:


I had forgotten that the L-39 kit had included some excellent canopy masks, so I used my usual liquid masking agent.

One step back....

I also sprayed a gloss black coat onto my Gloster Meteor to check my seams and in preparation for a silver base coat. I found a few areas that need additional sanding, especially on the lower wing where I only sanded with a coarse stick and didn't follow up with any finer grits. But worse than that; I couldn't get a nice smooth glossy finish on this model. There was too much orange peel effect! I just can't seem to ever do it right, even when I'm doing everything right!


Oh well, I guess once it dried thoroughly, I'll buff it to a fine gloss and see if I can make it look good enough to spray a silver basecoat on.

One step forward....

While cleaning off my workbench a little, I found the missing horizontal stabilizer that was missing from my Ju-88S that I'd gotten as a Secret Santa gift....two years ago! So, I quickly pulled out the Ju-88 and added the stabilizer to it before I lost it again:


The one that was repaired is the one with the big smudge on it....

Now to find the box containing the rest of the parts and instructions and see if I can get the stinkin' thing done!

Finally, I'll leave you with a pic of all the models I currently have in the painting queue waiting for either a basecoat and/or a camouflage pattern:


Now you see why I am eager to get some of these stinkin' things done!

There's even more fun and frustration in my Armored Fury Thread as well. Feel free to check it out.

That's all I have to show for my most frustrating day in the Hobby Room! Thanks all for looking in, comments are welcome.
Thanks Dave, I do hope so! I could use a great, smooth-running day!

MP, gonna try at least. Here's hoping that effort produces good results.
Well, here I am back with a rather large update. Actually, it's a larger update in the Armored Fury Forums; I've only worked on three aircraft here.

After dealing with all the latest health issues; catching up on some work, and finally getting my life on a slightly more even keel, I managed to get quite a bit of time and productivity on the workbench...... and it wasn't even Hobby Day!

Okay, I'll start with the three aircraft that I was working on.

Remember this?


Well, after letting it sit like that for eight days, I buffed it smooth with a 2500-grit sanding pad until I had eliminated all the orange peel effect. Some paces I had sanded right through to the bare plastic, so I dusted it as clean as I could make it, then shot another mist coat of the same Wal-Mart brand of Gloss Black from the spray can. Should go right on nice and smooth right?


So if it is supposed to go on nice and smooth; can someone explain to me why THIS happened???


I swear, I try a technique that everyone says is supposed to work just fine. Everyone tells me that the best way to get a really refined BMF is to spray a smooth layer of Gloss Black paint first and then the metal effect will look extremely good. So, I do exactly what everyone tells me to do and THIS happens? WHY? Why does it never happen to anyone else, but ME?!!

Okay, that has been consigned to the Shelf Queen hanger until I can calm down enough to work on it without throwing it against the wall....

On a lighter note, I did shoot a basecoat on my Australian Aardvark. It is now ready for the camouflage pattern:


I wanted to try the silly putty technique for masking, but I decided to do it on a model with a simpler, two-tone pattern first. So, after shooting a tan color on my L-39 that will be delivered to my Iraqi Air Force:


I then applied the silly putty to the model thus; covering all the places I wanted to keep tan:


Finally, I sprayed the dark brown on the model, covering as best i can all the exposed areas on top that I wanted to make darker:


Sweet! This is awesome! The only thing is, I forgot to shoot another pic of the camouflaged aircraft after taking the stuff off! Oh well.....

I can get those pics up on the next update.

Okay, that is the latest work I've been able to get done on my aircraft this past week. I hope you all enjoyed this latest tour of Maddog Manufacturing, Aerospace Division.

Thanks all for looking in, comments are welcome.
Looking good. That crackling looks like a reaction of the paint to the other paint, but that makes no sense if they are both the same. Dont feel too bad about trying things and they dont work. I dont know how many times I've tied a new fool proof method and had it fail. Maybe there is a category beneath fool that some of us reside in?? That putty looks good. What type is it? Did you have problems with residue afterwards?
Keep it up (y) (y) (y) (y)
Looking good. That crackling looks like a reaction of the paint to the other paint, but that makes no sense if they are both the same. Don't feel too bad about trying things and they don't work. I don't know how many times I've tried a new fool proof method and had it fail. Maybe there is a category beneath fool that some of us reside in?? That putty looks good. What type is it? Did you have problems with residue afterwards?
Keep it up (y) (y) (y) (y)

I agree, this makes no sense being the same paint. I seem to always screw up foolproof methods; I guess that makes me beyond a fool. Still, I'm gonna get this thing beaten one way or another.

The putty is Silly Putty. Every time I go to Target, I pick up and egg or three. I'll need a lot to mask off my Valiant bomber.

Thanks for the great comments James, I appreciate your input.

What products you using on that NMF?

I haven't used anything yet, the gloss black is from Wal-Mart; their 96-cent spray can which normally goes on so smooth and glassy I have no idea why this would crack like this. After the gloss, I was going to apply Alclad. I might just strip this; shoot flat black on it, apply some Aqua Clear to gloss it up; than add the Alclad. Hey, ain't no harm in trying. Someday I might just get this right.... twenty years down the road....

Thanks for the great input guys. I appreciate it.
Okay, here's a small update showing the latest I was able to get done. I say small because I only got to work on a few models. I did complete about three more armor models, you can see them in the armor forums.

I added tape to my L-39 and then shot some Wal-Mart 96-cent spraybomb of grey primer on the bottom of this:


Awhile later, after removing the tape, I felt confident in a job well sprayed:



Now it's time for the clearcoat and decals before finishing this off.

That's all for now, at least on my aircraft. There's more in the Armored Fury. This may be my last update for a few weeks. I'm leaving Saturday for Ohio to visit my brother for two weeks so I'll be away from the workbench.

Thanks all for looking in, comments are welcome.
Okay, here it is a few months down the line and I finally have some progress done and a camera to document it!

I started a new F-86. (my third one I found out!) This one is the Hobby Boss easy build model and it wasn't so easy to build! I had a devil of a time getting the nose to fit on, and when I finally did, I went ahead and sanded everything smooth. Later, I shot a coat of Tamiya Gloss Black on it to prepare it for Alclad. It was filled with imperfections and blemishes. So, I sanded all the imperfections out and then buffed it with a 4000-grit sanding pad. Here is the result:


I may just shoot the Alclad right on it now instead of adding another coat of black...

After that hassle, I figured it was time to do an easy job: I shot some Tamiya Navy Blue from a spraycan on my F-8 Bearcat that I'm doing for another Monogram Group Build elsewhere. This came out far smoother and even than the black did. Gee, I wonder why....


Moving along I had shot another coat of grey primer on the underside of my F-4 Phantom II I'm doing for another Group Build elsewhere. Afterwards, when it was dry; I masked off the bottom to prepare this for the top coat:



Once I get the top coat on, I'll mask this with some more Silly Putty and add the camouflage pattern to it. Maybe then this will turn out better than my usual screwed up planes.

Earlier in the week, I worked on my little F4-B4 biplane at Hobby Day. I got some paint on this and then added a few more detail parts. I had painted the tail surfaces and upper wing white to help the yellow go on better. Then I brushed on the yellow paint on the tail and it turned out great:


The top wing didn't work out though, so I wiped it off as much as I could to shoot some yellow on it later through the airbrush:


Later I'll apply the decals to this since it is easier to do when the upper wing is not on it.

Anyway, that's all I have to show for now. It sure felt good to get back to the workbench again. Hopefully I'll be able to make more progress tomorrow. Meanwhile, thanks for looking in, comments are always welcome. For those who are interested, feel free to check out my thread in Armored Fury to see the progress I made on my armor alongside all of these aircraft.
Man you got a lot going on, I would surely put another gloss black on that Sabra because those scratches will show up far more than they do now.
