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Latest Acquisitions Revisited!

I agree-- great reference photos in there to be sure!

So-- this was just delivered by a cold, tired Fed Ex employee ;)

Gonna do up a proper review-- was pretty amazed Great Models had this one on sale for $20...only a few left!
Actually, only one left and the price went up! The other one is still at $19.99USD. Thanks, will look into it.

Just came in from a Borders store in New Jersey and found the following Calendars for only $1USD each (7% tax meant each was only $1.07USD):


Above and below, Pacific Ghosts (normally $9.99USD)


Each of these had a $14.99USD regular price...

The store had a few of each left.


My apologies on the misinformation...wonder why they raised the price on the last one...course I think the sale ended earlier this week...but either kit is a good grab imho...
No apologies for having lucked out. You bought it at that price so it was not misinformation as I am sure they had more in stock at that time. I was slow so I missed out.

Yet, the other one at $19.99USD is calling me so thank you!

Yup...grab it up brother...if you want any of the decals from my kit you are more than weelcome to them...
I only want the Pe-2 Series 359 kits for the Crocodile

and snarling Lion. So few decals will be used. ;)

Thanks for the offer though!

Okay got my Fw 190 F-8 for my Mistel 2 build. Pretty much ready to start building when I get some room.
Oh and George is QAing it for me. She didnt eat it so it must be okay :laugh:


I got a reply from Great Models' Customer Support as to why I can't have the Pe-2 at the sale price:

"When the quantity of an item goes below 3, the sale price is no longer available. I can't give you a sale price after that, I'm sorry.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with.

Happy Modeling,
Maria Lowe
GreatModels Webstore, LLC
The Source for All Your Modeling Needs
[email protected]
800-619-3402 USA Toll Free
801-565-0836 Fax"

Oh well, I emptied my shopping cart since I was doing what Tony Lee accused me of... over $100USD of materials (and getting closer to $200USD to receive free shipping) when all I really wanted was the one $20USD kit!

Ahh...good old Maria. I have emptied more carts due to some of their dumb policies. They aren't my favorite place to order from but have occasional good deals. Their loss Saul!
Isnt that illegal in down there? Its almost smacks of bait and switch. I stopped dealing with them years ago and will NEVER go back.
That sounds weird, I know I have purchased things from then on sale before when they only listed 1 or two in stock.
What a riddiculous way to do business especially in this financial climate

Espcially with a custmomer that has such a known name in the model world !

People never cease to amaze me !
I only use Greatmodels to see what aftermarket is out there for a kit. They have a great cross reference database. That's the only positive I can come up with.
Now Saul you and I know we're just doing our part to get this economy back on it's feet.

That's the way I rationalize it!

Bob, I do like their search and Mike, I have bought from them without issues before. This policy seems ridiculous for a clearance item.

Andy, I am not well known to retailers in the Model World. I used to buy from Squadron Mail Order (only $100USD for free shipping) but lately their sales don't have the deep discounts of yesteryear.

It must be bad luck as my Lucky Model went South when all three items in my cart (in Stock when I clicked on them) became 'available' so was (again) fortunate enough to cancel the order.

Sprue Brothers and S & J Hobbies are it for me then.

By the way, I let Maria see this thread and she is informing Loic Anthian, the owner. Of course, she did not name him but I do know him as I met him at a show. Maybe he will remember me when he reads this thread? Or... maybe not.
