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Latest Acquisitions Revisited!


A good friend of mine gave me this for my birthday Saturday. Now, I need to learn how to use it.



Call Gene Bagnoli for his fabulous cash discount. Gene of S & J Hobbies.

PM me if you need his telephone number or e-mail address. By the way, you would want the one on the left in the photograph.

Just got the new Hobby Boss Dana. Wow what a kit. Glad I cant start until the HAve Gun will travel gb because I have time to clear my bench now.

This is scanned, will take pics later.

That Dana is so sweet. When I grow up I am going to get me one too. Now Hobby Boss just needs to make a Suzana too.

Today has started off with a bang already, my Bronco Models "ARCHER" from Sprue Bros just arrived.
It came with a free copy of Concords "Iraq Insurgency" U.S. Army Armored Vehicles in Action Part #1 compliments of Dragon Models USA inside the kit.

SPGs Forever (y)
Tony lee :)
I got my order from Military Miniatures Warehouse today:

It is Plan B for the Gun Jeep should my attempt to scratchbuild the M73 machine guns fail.

Well...my HiPM Pe-2 wasn't due to be here until the 1st but the FedEx website says it is out for delivery now (maybe yesterday's storm has something to do with it). I did find an awesome book on the Lanc from Amazon Used booksellers for .88 though. I had just finished reading vol. 2 from the library which had some awesome interior shots...and thought I was ordering vol. 1... turns out this is both volumes in one book...Woot!!! Not a bad deal...I don't normally like paying more for shipping than the book...buy this was $5 all together...