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Latest Acquisitions Revisited!

I have the Revell 1/32 FW-190 A8 but i have been holding back on it because i have got into a state of mind where i bang these models out at about 50% of the effort i should put in and at about 200% of the speed. I need to get back to grass roots and do them properly. 3 good reasons
They are not cheap anymore....
I am never happy with what i have done...
And if a jobs worth doing :)
I have the Revell 1/32 FW-190 A8 but i have been holding back on it because i have got into a state of mind where i bang these models out at about 50% of the effort i should put in and at about 200% of the speed. I need to get back to grass roots and do them properly. 3 good reasons
They are not cheap anymore....
I am never happy with what i have done...
And if a jobs worth doing :)
I'm in the same boat Paddy, This is one reason I keep going back and working on the DH88s. I've built the new props for the red one but realized today that they are big glue blobs and I didn't notice till I put alclad on them. Stripping them down, sanding them up and trying again.
@paddy I also have the Fw-190 A8 kit with ALL the Eduard bells and whistles as well as the newer Quinta stuff. I have so many irons in the fire that build time is slow at the moment. The other night I went in and routed the wires on the front of the Ju88 instrument panel and have realized that I need to scratch build a frame that goes there as well. I am super pleased with how the Quinta stuff turned out and there is a fair bit more that goes up there too.
Been doing an upgrade on my desktop this week. Migrated the Raid 0 two drive OS to a single drive (I know Bob will know what that is) In the process the "new drive" was converted to a dynamic drive. (found out this is a FUBAR waiting to happen and shouldn't have done it) Oh well learned that and in the process of trying to undo the dynamic drive I did FUBAR Windows 8.
Ended up buying Windows 10 and installed it on another drive (this Win 10 upgrade was the whole point of the exercise). The old "new" drive was then accessible and all my stuff was there just had to manually migrate files after fresh installs so have not lost anything important except time.
Now while it is a bit cooler out (1:30AM) I am going to go out and start removing and installing motor mounts on my Corolla. That's going to be a chore, but has to be done. Wish me an easy task of it.
As this is a vacation week "maybe" I will get to do some constructive work on the Ju88.




So you upgraded from an obsolete OS to another OS that's teetering on obsolete. Kudos to you Paul for having win8 to start with and keeping it running all this time!
@moon puppy Yeah the desktop won't do 11 due to their special hardware chip requirement. It is running 10 just fine. Not bothered with it as I learned about 10 in 22 when I got my notebook and had to deal with a software fubar there. Hard to believe I have had that notebook for 2 years. Seems like only a year.