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Fw 190D-9 and Ta 152C in-progress


Really I am very impressed with the painting details...very acurate too..the quality of your job is superb!

Thanks for the constant updates :drinks ... A plesure to follow :good:

C'mon friend, please give us a clue... The RVD band, what colour(s) ???


Thanks again guys! :)

You should see the RVD band by Monday. :laugh:

Yes I did almost all the camo free handed, its so much easier than doing a lot of masking. As can be seen in some of the earlier posts I did mask off the fuselage whilst painting the wings, I am not worried so much about overspray as I am about having safe areas to grasp the model during painting, I really hate leaving fingerprints in paint that is not all the way dry so I play it safe and paint the wings and fuselage separately.

The Fw 190D-9 had the rear half of the wings undersurfaces painted BMF. I did this by mixing flat white with Testors Chrome Silver to produce a bright metal finish without it being too bright, I sprayed this on in a cross hatch pattern to represent some of the rivet patterns. I was not concerned with being too precise doing this since the clear flat coat and weathering will tone it down to where it will barely be seen and give the illusion of a rivet pattern being there.
The landing gear doors and flaps were also painted and nearly ready for weathering.



Thanks again guys! :)

You should see the RVD band by Monday. :laugh:

Yes I did almost all the camo free handed, its so much easier than doing a lot of masking. As can be seen in some of the earlier posts I did mask off the fuselage whilst painting the wings, I am not worried so much about overspray as I am about having safe areas to grasp the model during painting, I really hate leaving fingerprints in paint that is not all the way dry so I play it safe and paint the wings and fuselage separately.

The Fw 190D-9 had the rear half of the wings undersurfaces painted BMF. I did this by mixing flat white with Testors Chrome Silver to produce a bright metal finish without it being too bright, I sprayed this on in a cross hatch pattern to represent some of the rivet patterns. I was not concerned with being too precise doing this since the clear flat coat and weathering will tone it down to where it will barely be seen and give the illusion of a rivet pattern being there.
The landing gear doors and flaps were also painted and nearly ready for weathering.




You go Les! :popcorn
Thanks guys!

Today I painted on the pale yellow fuselage band on the Fw 190D-9.




In this last picture you can just barely see how the RLM 04 is put on full strength at the bottom of the fuselage and is gradually lightened towards the top. I am not sure if the yellow fuselage band on ''red 18'' was diluted RLM 04 or if it was simply faded out but for whatever reason it was very pale looking, I went with painting the yellow band as if it were badly faded.


I'm still in awe that you guys can get mask straight on a complex surface like that. I know it sounds simple but I'll be damned if I can do it.

The mystery unit that this Ta 152C is being marked in is...KG(j)27.

I chose KG(j)27 because this unit seemed to use quite a variety of fighter aircraft and I really liked how III./KG(j)27 used a soft edged background to highlight their white aircraft numbers instead of the usual black outline. This would make for an interesting looking model.

Below are some photographs of three different KG(j)27 Focke-Wulfs.





And here is my model after the fuselage band has been added and the dark backgrounds for the III group marking and aircraft number.




The drop shadow effect surrounding the aircraft number used by III./KG(j)27 is quite unusual and would be a challenge to paint so I wanted to give it a go.
Of course what I did could be for nothing if the white decals are wider than the dark areas I painted, I will have to wait for a few more days to find out when I start putting on the markings.

BTW, The Fw 190F-8 below is unusual not just because it was used by KG(j)27 but if you look closely at the swastika you can clearly see it was sprayed on by the use of a stencil, this means this aircraft could very well have been recycled. Not a lot of Fw 190's had the swastika painted on with the aid of a stencil.


Great choice Master Les!...love the Reich Defense Band as well the unusual markings...just cool :good:


Thanks for the comments guys!

A brief update today, a small but very important bit of painting needed to be done before I spray on a coat of Future on these models and that is painting the trim tabs red.
After the paint is fully dry I will spray on the Future and then let the models sit for a couple days before adding the decals...I am quite interested in seeing how the Ta 152C will look in its markings. :hmmm



Great choice of unit marking on the 152C, Les. I am far too easily influenced by folks here. I am seriously considering buying one of these wee things at the Cambridge show next month. I have an idea for an very low-vis 'What If' scheme...



I started putting on the decals for these two models.

The Ta 152C has the national markings on it, Friday morning I will finish up the decal job by adding all the tiny stencil markings.




The Fw 190D-9 has only a few decals on since I need to spray RLM 82 inside the fuselage cross on the right side, I wanted to get the painting done on the fuselage cross first so I don't damage the other decals whilst handling the model during painting.
While I was placing the fuselage decals on the model I found out I made a mistake on the yellow fuselage band, it should be a little more to the front. As it is now the yellow band is too far to the rear and it should actually be a lot closer to the fuselage crosses. There was no reference markings for me to use when I masked the fuselage band for spraying and had to eyeball it. :bang head



When I was taking these in-progress pictures an observer walked up to me and was checking out what I was doing. :)

