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Fw 190D-9 and Ta 152C in-progress

Thanks guys!

The pre-shading of all these smaller parts seems like overkill but once they are on the model the pre-shading effect will barely be seen and should blend in well with the other weathering effects.


No go ahead and paint everything that might be visible. That will add to the overall effect which is great.

Terry (y)
Thanks Terry, I agree with what you said and my experience has taught me its better to paint and weather everything even if it might not be that visible on the finished model.

My older models were okay but were bland and lacked any sense of realism the way they looked in my pictures...just adding exhaust stains and paint chipping was not cutting it so I tried a combination of pre-shading, highlighting, and oil wash techniques to get the weathered looks I am after and some models have been more successful than others but I feel I am on the right path and will keep experimenting with various weathering techniques. :)

Here is a small update on the Dora and Ta 152C.

I finished the gun cowl for the Dora, the small bumps to the rear have been added and the entire gun cowl has been given a primer coat of RLM 02.


The wheels have also been painted, don't worry, the awful high gloss look to the wheels will be dealt with when they are weathered. I wanted to show the 'before and after' treatment of the wheels.


The radiator and propeller are not glued on yet, I wanted to paint the radiator separately from the fuselage and as you can see I am quite a ways away from that.
What is difficult to see in this snap is the weathering done to the spinner and propeller blades, the full size ''red 18'' had a plain RLM 70 painted spinner that looked very faded in places plus there was some paint overspray near the base of the spinner and propeller blades. I used the airbrush and some RLM 70 lightened a little bit to add the paint fading effect...its hard to see the work I did but it does match the photographs of ''red 18''.


Here are the fuselages of the Dora and Ta 152C.


More work has been done on the Ta 152C as well, the fuselage has been finished and the top and bottom halves of the wings have been glued together and the seam line on the leading edges of the wings have been sanded and filled.
The wing is just dry fitted here but its a very good fit and out of all the Fw 190 and Ta 152 models I have built this looks like the best fitting wing root out of all of them.



Here is a small update on the Dora and Ta 152C.

I finished the gun cowl for the Dora, the small bumps to the rear have been added and the entire gun cowl has been given a primer coat of RLM 02.


The wheels have also been painted, don't worry, the awful high gloss look to the wheels will be dealt with when they are weathered. I wanted to show the 'before and after' treatment of the wheels.


The radiator and propeller are not glued on yet, I wanted to paint the radiator separately from the fuselage and as you can see I am quite a ways away from that.
What is difficult to see in this snap is the weathering done to the spinner and propeller blades, the full size ''red 18'' had a plain RLM 70 painted spinner that looked very faded in places plus there was some paint overspray near the base of the spinner and propeller blades. I used the airbrush and some RLM 70 lightened a little bit to add the paint fading effect...its hard to see the work I did but it does match the photographs of ''red 18''.


Here are the fuselages of the Dora and Ta 152C.


More work has been done on the Ta 152C as well, the fuselage has been finished and the top and bottom halves of the wings have been glued together and the seam line on the leading edges of the wings have been sanded and filled.
The wing is just dry fitted here but its a very good fit and out of all the Fw 190 and Ta 152 models I have built this looks like the best fitting wing root out of all of them.




I'm amazed how you got those bumps so symmetrical, well done Les. :popcorn
Thanks for looking!

A little more done on these two models.

The wing of the Ta 152C has been glued onto the fuselage and some putty has been put on the seam line. I use Bondo spot putty for filling in any seam lines on Focke-Wulf model wing roots, the red putty is very easy to sand off and barely disturbs the molded in detail. To avoid putting on too much putty I used thin strips of masking tape to mask off places where I don't want the putty getting onto to make sure only the seam line gets covered with putty.


...and here is the wheel well to the 1/32 scale D-9, its been painted and some weathering applied in the form of a dark brown/black oil wash to give it a gritty/grime look.



The putty was easily sanded off the wing roots of the Ta 152C and it looked good, just to be on the safe side a tiny amount of Mr. Surfacer was brushed on where the seam line was and will be sanded smooth after it dries, if there are any defects it will be easy to spot and correct.



The two Messerschmitts (Me P1106 and Me 109E) have been getting the most attention the last few days but I have been doing some work on the Focke-Wulfs here and there.

Not much of an update this time but better than nothing. The exhaust pipes have been painted, the end of each pipe was painted flat black to represent them being hollow...it does not look that great here but once they are on the model they will look okay.

Fw 190D-9



Ta 152C



Thanks guys!

Its hard to see in the pictures but I also gradually lightened the exhaust stubs towards the rear, most fighters had the exhaust pipes appear to be a tan or light gray on the rear most pipes from running lean mixtures, seldom were they all solid rust or metal colored.

More pictures.

The Dora wing has been assembled but still needs the leading edges sanded smooth to check for seam lines, as a precaution I will use super glue as a filler along the entire length of the leading edges to make sure no seam lines will show up later.
The wing and tail planes are just dry fitted in this picture, after building this kit a few times before I learned its way easier to do a lot of dry fitting of the wing to the fuselage and trim if needed than it is to fill in the seam lines later...Fw 190 models no matter what brand are a P.I.A. to get the wing roots to look like they should.


The Dora wheels have been painted and the first stage of weathering is being done on them. I usually start the weathering on aircraft wheels by using the airbrush to add some light dirt colored mottles on the tire tread making sure its uneven, this will be followed by some dry brushing and then more work with the airbrush.



The wings of the Ta 152C have been glued to the fuselage and the wing roots have had the seam lines filled and given a light coat of paint to ensure the seam lines are gone


Below are the main wheels of the Ta 152C and they are getting weathering similar to the D-9 wheels.



