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Fw 190D-9 and Ta 152C in-progress

Thank you Luiz,
I like to weather the tires first on my aircraft models and I try to treat the wheels as if they are separate models by themselves...this way there is no skimping on the weathering. On most active WWII combat aircraft even clean and well maintained aircraft would often show a little dirt on the wheels if they were being operated at a frontline airstrip.
The way I used to treat the wheels on my models was to paint them last just before adding them to the model and not much attention was given how they looked on the finished model, no sense spending time weathering the airframe and then having showroom clean wheels put on because it looks silly! My older models were terrible. :(

More in-progress pictures of these models...

The Dora has had the wing joined to the fuselage and the tedious filling in of the seam lines has been done, after spraying some paint to make sure the seam lines were dealt with I found some spots that needed a bit more work with putty...I am glad to take care of this now rather than do it after the camouflage colors are painted on.



The wheels have had all their painting and weathering finished and are ready for installation when the time comes.



The Ta 152C airframe is nearly finished and is close to being ready for paint.




Les - great work as usual! I am having a hard time not pulling out my -190 and giving it a go! Thanks for sharing!

Les , I have a great interest in the TA series...and I´m folowing your assembly with full attention :popcorn

Les - great work as usual! I am having a hard time not pulling out my -190 and giving it a go! Thanks for sharing!


Bring it on Mike!

Good job Les, biggest problem I have filling in seams at the wing root is rescribing anything lost. It's that symmetry and straight line issue I have. :rotf
Thanks for the comments guys.

Yes the wing roots on Fw 190's can be a pain to get correct, the seam lines go through some awkward places where you need to fill the seam lines without destroying the surface details that really need to remain.
What needs to be done is to produce a kit where some of the panels on the wing roots can be added later to avoid having the seam lines in the first place, this might not have been possible on Fw 190 kits years ago but a company like Tamiya could probably do this with ease today.

Really like the 'look' of the 152C, would have made a fantastic post-war Air Racer, doncha think :hmmm ....

Yes this would have made a fantastic air racer, I am quite surprised there are not more of the Ta 152C kits built as what-if Reno racers, with that extra large supercharger intake this airframe looks fast and powerful. :)

Thank you Paul.
The Ta 152C is ready for paint now and the Dora is getting close to being at that stage too, I want to have both models ready for paint at the same time so I can paint both at once to save paint and time.


I have a TA 152 C in my stash,waiting for your complention to be started...taking notes!

All the best!

Thanks again Luiz!

The airframe on the Dora has all the bits added that needed some blending in before painting, next I will finish the gun sight and glue on the canopy and mask off the wheel wells and then start painting. :woohoo:

The small air scoop on the cowl was drilled and carved to open up the front of it and the machine gun barrels were drilled out too.



These two models have sat for too long, I was dreading the masking off of the canopies and wheel wells and kept putting it off and finally forced myself to do the job so I could get back to painting these models.

The canopies were easy to mask off and the wheels wells were masked off by using stiff paper cut into the shape of the landing gear doors and held in place with blobs of Handy-tak.

Both models have had a thin coat of RLM 76 sprayed on followed by some pre-shading and highlights, the paint will dry for a full day and then another thin coat of RLM 76 will be sprayed on to tone the pre-shading down.

The 1/32 scale Fw 190D-9...the wings undersurfaces did not get any pre-shading, they will be painted RLM 75 on the front half and BMF on the rear half, only the ailerons are painted RLM 76 on this Focke-Wulf.





...and here is the 1/48 scale Ta 152C
The pre-shading and highlights on the wings undersurfaces were put on in an uneven manner on purpose.


