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frankenfort ........finished

Re: frankenfort ......ribs and hatches

Go on with your bad self Joe, so what are you going to replace the hatch with?
Re: frankenfort ......ribs and hatches


So, did I read that right? you're going to use the templates from the doors to make new ones out of pop/soda cans?

Very impressive work (and patience!)
Re: frankenfort ......ribs and hatches


So, did I read that right? you're going to use the templates from the doors to make new ones out of pop/soda cans?

Very impressive work (and patience!)

D'oh..I overlooked a paragraph.

Yeap, seen that technique before but beer cans was the preferred medium in that case. :popcorn
Re: frankenfort ......ribs and hatches


So, did I read that right? you're going to use the templates from the doors to make new ones out of pop/soda cans?

Very impressive work (and patience!)

yep that is right. my choice of material is pop can aluminum. first i burnish the alum foil over the kit where i want to replace the door. i take this and cut out my template. i then tape it down over the can and cut it out. pretty easy except when there is a window.

thanks for the kind words and for tagging along.

Re: frankenfort ......ribs and hatches

an update.............of sorts.

warning not for the faint of heart

the last few days saw some confusion from me. how should i proceed? i looked at the bulkheads and the pieces that make the flooring for the pit and the radio rooms. i asked myself repeatedly what my plan was. somewhere in the back of my mind a voice said, "you are going to do it anyway just get on with it!!!!!!!!!" so to that end i took a knife and i began to cut and to shave and cut some more, then shave some more.............well you get the idea.

here is where i started.




and well................here is where i am now........................











now this is also a confusing part. when shaving the detail off i came to the radio gear and thought it looks decent. i might just keep it. then again i have come this far.


with just a little i could make them look decent................................hmmmm i just dont know...............................

oh and while i was doing some of this i added some "canvas" for the pit walls.



first time using tissue paper with white glue/water mix. should actually come out decent.

now i did see some rough parts. resanded already. i also popped the one bulkhead piece off that looks iffy in the pic. reglued and more stable, i hope.

with this done i now am ready to begin the reconstruction i think. time for input. whatcha think????

comments, critiques, and criticism are encouraged.

Re: frankenfort ......ribs and hatches

saul you are spot on there, so far so good.

mp the tissues will represent the canvas that covered the sides of the fuse in the pit proper, dont know if that is the correct term but it works. from what i have seen in movies and print and online most of the birds have a canvas covering for the fuse sides where the pilot/copilot are. i dont know if this was a war time thing or not but i am going with it. i tried to do the same with the canvas covering the bottom of the control sticks and failed miserably. going to have to try that again.

the only other thing that i need to address is where the bombadier sits over the chin turrent is open. i will have to see about what i can do for that.

Re: frankenfort ......ribs and hatches

Actually I think they were quilts or padding. but that's cool, that's a detail that is very often not even addressed :popcorn
Re: frankenfort ......destruction function


This is a vey interesting build and project. I have a question though about the waist gunners windows. On this model thy appear to be in the same location port and starboard. I thought that in the late F version and all G versions that the waist gunner poitions were staggered. Are these positions staggered in this model?

Re: frankenfort ......destruction function

tank that would be about right. time for me to do more checking into this.

thanks for the info mp.

Re: frankenfort ......destruction function


This is a vey interesting build and project. I have a question though about the waist gunners windows. On this model thy appear to be in the same location port and starboard. I thought that in the late F version and all G versions that the waist gunner poitions were staggered. Are these positions staggered in this model?


No, this kit does not have the staggered waist guns. I don't think they staggered the waist guns till late production of the G. Same goes for the Cheyenne turret.
Re: frankenfort ......destruction function


This is a vey interesting build and project. I have a question though about the waist gunners windows. On this model thy appear to be in the same location port and starboard. I thought that in the late F version and all G versions that the waist gunner poitions were staggered. Are these positions staggered in this model?


ok tank i think i have an answer for both of us. the staggered gun positions were introduced on aircraft b-17g-50-bo, now el lobo II is b-17g-35-bo, plane number 42-32101. so it should not have the staggered gun positions. one thing though. it appears it may not have the bulged cheek gun positions. hmmmmm.... more research needed.


it looks in this picture http://www.457thbombgroup.org/Aircraft_in_Flight/bbf309.jpg that el lobo II does in fact have the bulged cheek gun positions. it appears i am in luck and wont have to carve up the kit more than i already have...............well maybe............unless i see something i feel the need and hear the voices telling me to fix.


Re: frankenfort ......construction begins

well at least some does.

several days ago i began to look at the bombadier station and i began to look through the refs i have. i then started to put some stuff together to try to make it look somewhat decent.

without alot of talk here is what i have been doing.












now i have also started on the seats in the bombadier station. i have made my first attempt at the o2 hoses, not happy with them. i have some cleanup to do, notice the putty where the kit table is supposed to hook in. i also want to add just a touch of wiring. i am thinking painting may wait a bit so i can see how the parts are going to fit together. i know it seems like i have jumped the gun on this update, i just wanted to show what i had spent most of my free time over the last four days with.

sorry about the pic quality. i never could take a good pic.

comments, critiques, and criticism is encouraged.

Re: frankenfort ......construction begins

I've read that a "G" guitar string works great for O2 hoses.

Re: frankenfort ......construction begins

getting that suggestion from others as well mp. thanks for the tip, i really do appreciate it.

Re: frankenfort ......just a test

ok mind you this is a test.

i am testing a couple of things. the lighting i have at the "work" desk. and how my camera works with that lighting. i am also showing the little details i have been playing with.

let us see how this looks.

Re: frankenfort ......just a test

Test look good, so does your scratch building.

On the last photo, I would back off just a touch so the focal point hits your subject, then if you have to, crop the image in to zoom in on the subject.
Re: frankenfort ......just a test

mp thanks. i had tried that on one shot that didnt make the post. i never had a knack for adjusting photos. heck never had a knack for taking them either.

thank you for the kindness. means a lot.

frankenfort ......bomb sight

ok folks just a brief update.

over the last few days i have done just a touch of small work.

playing with the norden bomb sight.

the original piece is the flat black. additions are in white.

and then painted.


comments, critiques, and criticisms are encouraged.
