First I'd like to thank Vladi for sponsoring this build. I don't envy your hard decision as there are many great models to chose from.
This was a very inspiring group build/campaign, especially since I had taken such a long break from modeling prior to this build. Since I pretty much model only Vietnam era subjects, this was a great re-entry into the hobby. There were a lot of really good models that were a part of all of this. I really enjoyed being able to see many of these projects in progress. This allowed me to learn some new modeling techniques while at the same time having fun working on my figures. Although I only completed two single figure displays, at least I was able to start on two more dioramas. If it weren't for some military matters such as my upcoming Afghanistan deployment taking away much of my modeling time once I started to really get into it, I may have been able to submit more to this build.
I look forward to similar builds in the future.
I think everyone who participated did an outstanding job and I hope alot of fun was had by all.
James O'Leary