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Cold Panther

Dang this thing is getting heavy!

I just glued the extra tracks on the sides. Not sure how they would have been hung there, read that hooks were used and sometimes they were welded. Well I used CA!

The Archer transfers worked great in the tight confines between the track horns. Weathered up those spares to various degrees, some are old, some new. I know there's a lot of detail missed, especially on those hanger racks for the spare tracks. But without the grills, no point it going all out on this.



The Skirt Armor...those paper parts didn't hold up well under weathering pressures. The paper based hangers just mushroomed up just as you'd think layered paper would do when wet. I'm going back and try the kit parts now, maybe I can get them lined up right where I can use the skirts.

Quick Question. Where would they have stowed spare wheels? Saul was gracious enough to send me a couple of wheels, I'd like to stow them away but not sure where.

MP here are a couple of pictures that may help.

Terry B)


Busy Panther! Great detail, can´t wait to see a final photos! :drinks (y)

All the best!
Calling it done!

It doesn't look that cold I know but it is representative of the 4th Panzer Div who served on the Russian Front so, it got cold!


Didn't want to just superglue the spare wheel on the side of the hull so I got some scrap styrene and a couple of Scale Hardware bolt heads.

Panted the scrap in Panzer Grey as if this was something the crew grabbed off a older knocked out hulk somewhere down the road.








Learned a great deal on pigment works on this, should have done more for detailing I know, next time for sure!
Yeah sure MP,you could have done more detailing but this one looks pretty cool for sure!
Like it that you used the spare tracks and wheel,makes the tank look different! (y) (y)

Watch out using pigments,before you know it you are hooked to the stuff,like me. :D

To a guy like me, with almost no modeling experience but who has seen plenty good models on the net, this big cat looks simply awesome! (y) You guys are making it more difficult for me not to start my Tiger I... :blush:

Great build and cool paint job: congrats Moonie! :dude

Cheers and thanks for sharing - great pics BTW! B)